Chapter Three

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It's been four days of walking and dealing with sleepless nights with the insects. They were growing weaker and had to learn how to survive in the wild. The only water supply they had, i.e. Peter's 500ml bottle, was almost over. They had not come across another stream or water point.

That morning, Peter was the first to wake up, he found his arms wrapped around Jenny's waist as he slept behind her. He quickly got it out and stared at her face, confused. He then shook the thought off and looked up, to see if he could find any berries on the trees around and lucky enough he did.

He removed his shirt, revealing a muscular figure, rolled up his trousers and climbed up.

"Oops!" He said, when a branch fell off and woke the two up.

"What are you doing up there?" Jenny asked, standing up. Johnny was still lying on the floor hard in thought.

"Getting us something to eat," Peter answered.

"Can you see if we have hope ahead from up there?" Jenny asked.

Peter climbed higher. Jenny expected him to immediately say no, but Peter kept staring as if he was trying to figure out something.

"Oh no! We have to move!" He grabbed a few berries and jumped down.

"We have to get going as soon as possible. More are coming. Destructing trees and everything in their way. We will make it. If we leave now. Trust me." Peter assured them.

They grabbed everything that belonged to them and left. Peter carried Johnny with him and held Jenny's hand. They'd walk but they didn't want to take chances. They ran as fast as they could.

Minutes later, they were out of that zone. They went further and higher till where they could see where they were below. Jenny gasped in shock to see the place they were resting on fire.

"We could be dead," she whispered in shock, "Peter we need to go as far away from here as we can."

Peter hugged her tight and kissed her cheek telling her he won't let anything happen to them. Johnny formed a smile.

"Ok let's go," Jenny said.

"Look!" Johnny pointed at a waterfall ahead.

"Water!" He shouted.

"Keep it down young one, you never know who's around," Peter said.

"Oh sorry," Johnny apologised.

They walked through trees and bushes to access the water point below the waterfall. The water again was so clear and clean. Jenny removed her T-shirt and trousers and entered the lake to take a bath and clean up. Peter stayed outside to keep an eye on the surrounding. Johnny removed his jacket and washed his face and drank some water.

"The berries," Johnny went on, "I'm pretty hungry right now.

"Here you go boy," Peter tossed some berries to Johnny.

When Jenny was coming out of the water she noticed something unusual in the water.

"Peter, come take a look at this," she called out.

It was on the shore so it wasn't really far away from where Peter and Johnny were.

Peter walked towards where Jenny was and looked at whatever Jenny was pointing at.

Jenny's curiosity led her to taking her hands to that object. It was a flat round black object with a red button on top.

"No Jenny!" Peter shouted, pulling her back, "It's a mine! They want to trick us and kill us one by one, in or out of sight. We have to be careful!"

Jenny stood still, Peter holding her on her waist from behind. Her hair covered his face. He was slightly shorter than her, 5"9 by 5"6. Everything went quiet, Jenny staring at his hands sealed on her belly. Peter didn't seem to want to let go.

Gunshots from afar distracted them from the moment.

"Uuumm we should probably get going, yeah?" Peter said as he slowly let her free. They walked to the shore where Johnny was, slowly eating his berries.

"Come on Johnny," Jenny told her son as she put her clothes back on. They moved deeper into the woods.

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