Chapter Ten.

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"Mom! Moooooom!" Johnny was being dragged away by an anonymous man.

Peter opened his eyes from his quite shallow sleep, only to find a man dragging Johnny away, holding his legs and dragging him on the floor. He had a face mask on, a grey one for that matter. His eyes were piercing blue, like that turquoise colour of the Bahamas waters. He was all in black and leather. From leather boots to leather trousers, and a zipped leather jacket. Don't forget the gloves too.

"Leave him alone!" Jenny hit the man right at the back of his head with a small log, sending him right down with a shout. Johnny then stood up and quickly went to hide behind Peter.

He lay there unconscious. Jenny stood still, panting like a dog on a hot day, with a terrified facial expression. Anam was still deep in sleep. Totally unaware of what was to happen.

Peter stood there, confused, angry and worried at the same time. He quickly bent to reveal the man's face.

"Who is he?" Jenny asked.

"I don't know. Could he be one of the Lenons?"

Peter then turned the man's head towards Jenny. His eyes went agape.

"Oh no," Peter whispered aloud.

"It can't be! He is a controlled."

"Controlled what?" Jenny asked, as though she expected the statement to have an ending. But that was the end.

"The controlled," Peter said, "These are prisoners who were executed. Well, the term execution means, having their minds controlled by the military to perform various commands. Almost like a robot."

He then showed Jenny a round navy blue mark with an arrow in the middle on the man's neck, "this symbol means 'forsaken'. The man could have been sent to look for any Eldon in the forest."

"But he is unarmed, what could he possibly do?" Anam asked.

"The Lenons are smart people. They may have implanted a GPRS on his body or even a camera, to locate us and kill us."

Peter unmasked the man. His face was severely scarred.

"He must have had a miserable life," Jenny whispered.

"Move!" Johnny came pushing away Peter and knelt down right next to him.

He held the man's hand and closed his eyes.

"Nomb thum samli. Nomb thum danil. Nomb thum Siril. Avanton!" Immediately Johnny said this words, the man's eyes opened and the scars disappeared on his face, including the mark on his neck.

"He isn't that ugly after all," Anam said with a sense of slight humor.

"How on earth did you..." Peter asked with so much shock.

"It just came to me. A vision came to me. A man said these words to me. And well, it's like I knew what to do," Johnny answered before Peter could even finish his question.

The man stood up, looking lost.

"Where I'm I?"

"We will take care of you, as long as you can answer our very many questions," Jenny set him conditions.

The man set off to his feet and began escaping.

"If you want to wander alone and get killed, fine by us!" Jenny shouted.

The man stopped running and stood still. His back still facing them. He seemed to be in deep thought. After seconds, he then turned back and walked to them.

"What do you want to know?" he asked.

"Your name?" Anam said.

"Oh, Mundas, or Mundy."

"You have to go to Catalon. Wherever your headed to is not....."

An arrow went through his chest.

"No!" Jenny shouted.

He dropped dead.

Without any command, everyone else set running. Except Johnny.

"Son we got to go!" Jenny shouted, "Johnny!"

Johnny shut out any noise or sound. He shielded both him and Mundas and the both glowed with purple power, as Jenny called it.

Peter held Jenny, "We have to go!"

"But my son!" Jenny shouted.

Peter pulled her away from site. He did not mind all the punches he got from Jenny. All he wanted was to pull her from site to safety.

Anam was ahead, looking for clearance. Jenny gave in. She stopped throwing hands and cooperated. She ran along with Peter and Anam.

When they were out of site, Jenny sat down, crying.

"Johnny," she whispered in between her sobs.

"Jenny.." Peter knelt down to her.

"Don't! Don't," she interrupted him.

"You hide my son's identity from me, now you let me, his mother, leave him alone out there. Are you serious?"

Peter looked down to think, then looked back at Jenny.

"You're son will find us. He will track us with your genetic bond."

Jenny said no more, she stood up and began walking.

"And don't follow me," Jenny instructed.

Peter disobeyed her commands and did follow her. Anam was just there watching all the drama.

"Jenny, you expect me to just let you walk away and die? Do you have any idea what's surrounding us? They could be anywhere Jenny!"

"Exactly! I have no idea! You keep hiding things. After all these years, you didn't mention any thing, nothing. Jim too. Why?"

"To protect you Jenny!" Peter said with so much anger. He then took a calming deep breath, "If any hybrid finds out that a non-dhanti knows about their world, they will haunt you down. They don't care if you are the mother or not.

"I'm I part of this? Is Jim a dhanti? How does my son have these powers?"

"The rest is for your son to tell you Jenny. That's all I can say."

"Are you one of them? Peter?"

Peter looked surprised by that question. He stared at Jenny. He tried speaking but he could not.

"Are you?"

"I'm a hybrid."

Jenny stared at Peter, confused.

"Oh!" was all she said.

"Umm guys? Behind you!" Anam said, standing still.

A big explosion happened. The area was covered with smoke. Trees were on fire.

"We have to move," Anam reminded them.

Jenny stood there, calling out her son. But no response.

"Hey! I promise, he will be back." Peter assured her.

Jenny's eyes were red with anger and sadness. But she did as Anam said. They kept going.

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