Chapter Seven.

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"Ouch!" Jenny felt something on her sole.

"Don't, move, a, muscle, Jenny!" Peter told her, "Don't lift your leg, DON'T!"

Anam looked behind, his mouth went agape. Johnny was just staring at his mom's foot. Jenny stood still, not moving a muscle. She breathed heavily, and

tilted her head down as carefully as possible.

"What is it?" she asked whispering in fear.

"Jenny, don't move a muscle," Peter told her as he gestured her to relax.

Jenny had stepped on a landmine. If she lifted her leg, she would have exploded to pieces. Her and whoever was within a radius on three kilometres around her.

They were all puzzled, no one knew what to do. What would happen to Jenny? And the rest of them? Should they leave her? No one knew how to disconnect these bombs.

"Go," Jenny said.

"Mom, what do you mean go? We leave you to die?" Johnny asked his mom, on the verge of tears. Jenny tried to hold her tears in. She failed. They rolled down her cheeks, forming a neat eleven on her face.

There was no other option. It was either everyone or her alone. No one wanted to go. Johnny wanted to stay with his mum.

"Maybe your father needs me honey. I will release this as soon as I see you guys uphill. That should be more than three kilometres, right?" Jenny asked. The pain of dying was obviously tragic to her. But what option did she have?

Peter walked towards Jenny, crying, "We can try something Jenny, anything. Jenny, you can't die now. What will your son do without you?" Peter asked in a soft painful voice. He then whispered, "What would I do without you?"

Jenny did not get lost in his eyes this time, she looked away and told him to leave.

"Anam, take care of my son," Jenny said.

Anam let out a smile.

"What?" Peter asked, "How can you laugh at a time like this?"

"Quit with the Romeo and Juliet drama already!" Anam sounded very tired, since he was the only one who saw a way to get out of that situation.

"You're all overreacting, grab a heavy rock and replace it with Jenny's foot. You're welcome!" Feeling very smart, Anam pressed hard on the part of the button that was uncovered by Jenny's feet. Johnny saw a rock big enough to hold the button down. He took it to Anam.

Anam carefully slid the stone beneath his finger.

"Careful!" Johnny said, biting his fingernails in fear.

It worked, the stone held the button down.

"They seem to love you," Peter said sarcastically to Jenny.

Jenny let out a small laugh mimicking Peter.

"But I'm glad you are okay love," Peter held Jenny's face, smiling.

"Not again," Anam went on.

They both leaned in for a kiss. But right before it happened, Johnny collapsed. He glowed purple on the floor, his eyelids were translucent with purple light trying to escape. His mouth was glowing purple. His skin glowed purple. When he stood up, still glowing, his eyes opened, looking like two purple bulbs. And Jimluis' voice came out through his mouth again.

"You won't leave me Jenny, rescue me. You will find me. I won't let you die," the voice said. Jenny's mouth went agape, eyes wide open, staring at Johnny as though he was some alien of the sort.

"JIM!" she shouted, "If you can hear me, wherever you are, I love you! We will find you!" Jenny promised.

Any widow would take the chance of seeing their husband again. It's not everyday someone gets such chances in life. At least that's what Jenny said in her head. The glowing then stopped and Johnny fell on the floor and began crying, shouting dad.

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