Chapter twenty four.

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They were all dressed like gods and goddesses. From long white robes with twisted sisal belts on their waists to flowers and golden helmets on their heads. The environment smelt peace. It was a heavenly woodland with all kinds of trees and flowers. The saturation of everything, from how extremely blue the sky was, to how green the trees were, was painfully breathtaking. Don't forget the golden fireflies that flew day in day out.

"Are these the wardants in Rhandis?" Mundas asked.

Jenny was too amazed to hide it.

"Is this heaven?" She whispered to herself as she touched every tree her hands could get.

Jim looked at his wife and smiled. His smile was so wide it would heal any broken soul. His heart warmed up after seeing his wife genuinely happy and enjoying what's around her. She kept greeting every wardant that passed her way.

"This kind knows how to let someone mind their own business," Mundas began, recalling the attack in Dintris.

"Oh dear, how rude of me," Peter appeared from thin air.

Jensen couldn't hold it together, she ran and hugged Peter so tightly to the point of crying. Jim looked away and pretended he did not see that.

"Ahem, sorry," Jenny apologised as she quickly let go of Peter.

Jim wanted to frown, but he couldn't. He just couldn't feel sad.

"Why I'm I so happy and peaceful here?" Jenny asked.

"Welcome to the land of the pure, the kind and the peaceful. Rhandis. No sadness, no sorrows nor hatred exists in this dimension," Peter talked, as if he was reciting that line.

He went over to Jim and hugged him, "welcome brother."

Jim really wanted to punch him and push him back but he somehow found himself warmly receiving Peter.

"This is crazy," Jim mimicked to Mundas.

Mundas smiled and looked down.

"How did you come here, Peter?" Mundas asked.

"I begged the spirits in my prayers to take me away as I felt extremely guilty for what I did," he turned to Jim, "I betrayed you Jim, and I knew nothing would ever make you forgive me. I didn't expect them to listen, but hey, faith moves mountains, right?" Peter explained.

As much as Jim wanted to give Peter a piece of his mind, he couldn't. He found himself going to Peter and hugging him, "It's all behind."

Peter let out a mischievous smile while hugging Jim. What on earth would he be up to this time?

"Who rules here?" Jensen asked.

"No one, this is the liberal dimension. You know, we all live for ourselves, with our own principles since crime isn't an existing concept in this world," Peter smiled.

"Hey, where is Johnny?" Peter asked.

"He disappeared, banished by Lenons," Mundas answered.

"He was a controlled?" Peter asked, with a rather surprised face.

"A shanti for that matter," Jim answered.

Peter slowly sat on the floor, looking as though he was deep in thought. He then looked up to Jim, "Let's go to Lenon." 

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