Chapter Twelve.

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"We have to find him, Peter. That's why we're here, right?" Jenny was already begging Peter to help look for her husband.

She was restless. It's like she was excited and impatient but also worried.

"What if we don't have much time?" Jenny asked again, in fear.

"Now that we are here, what next?" Anam asked.

"We jump!" Peter went on.

"Seriously?" Anam and Mundy were consequently shocked.

"What boys? Scared you might wee your pants on the way down? I thought you were men?" Peter attacked them, sarcastically.

It took one microsecond for Jenny to start finding her way up the bridge wall to jump over.

"Jenny no! Don't. Jenny I was messing around!" Peter ran after her and dropped her down. She fell right on top of him, face to face.

They stared at each other for a while. Jenny was still. Yes, panting in shock but still.

"Hey, what were you thinking?" Peter asked, still staring in her eyes. He then held her hair behind her ear.

Jenny cleared her throat and quickly stood up, shaking her head off the moment, "You never get the situation, do you? Just because you haven't lost anyone doesn't mean you can't relate. You decide to be a clown at this time? Try harder cause, no one is sure laughing now, are we?"

Anam let out a silent laugh at the background. Johnny was just staring at the flowers flowing with the river current.

"So, Mr. Clown, what now?" Jenny asked in a sarcastic kind of anger.

Peter stood there, all embarrassed and ashamed.

"I thought so, clueless. Maybe we should just head to the Capital zone of this city and seek refuge. No use of being here." Jenny was very upset.

She went to Johnny and grabbed him by the wrist, "We are leaving son."

"You do know the bridge is 3 miles long, right?" Peter tried all his effort to make her stay.

"And why are you telling me this? You want me to stay? Why Peter?" Jenny turned back, with teary eyes.

"Your husband is waiting for heaven's sake!" Peter said.

His fingertips began burning. He was shouting in pain.

"Wow, Peter are you okay?" Mundas ran to him.

As much as Jenny wanted to help, she stood firm to her emotions, which was the fact that she was mad at him.

"I'm in love with you Jenny," Peter struggled to confess. His fingers healed immediately he said so.

"What just happened?" Johnny came to the scene.

"A dhanti, be it hybrid or complete can't lie on sacred ground," Peter said, "Unfortunately."

Jenny began crying as she dropped on her knees. She let out a really loud cry, calling out to Jimluis. She got more furious and angrier by the minute.

"No! Don't!" Peter stopped Johnny from approaching her, "Let her cry it out."

As soon as one tear drop touched the ground, a purple portal opened.

"The pain of a widow and mother calls upon us. The return of the missing saviour is upon us. Welcome, Jensen Reyes and Jonathan Reyes," male unison voices were heard coming from the portal.

There was a blurry image of angel-like figures in the portal.

"Anam and Mundas were the first to go to the portal but before they could even go close to it, Mundas was thrown back by its force. It's like the portal repelled him. But Anam went through the portal.

"Mundas!" Jenny called out.

She ran to him, he was conscious but had burns on his chest.

"He was once a controlled. He may be healed now but his blood still carries the spell. The spirits can't let him through," Peter told Jenny.

"We should go, you take care of Mundas, right?" Johnny asked Peter as a favour.

"Shall we mum?" Johnny stretched out his arm.

"I'm coming for you my love," Jenny told herself.

They both walked into the portal and it immediately closed.

"Why didn't you go with them? You are connected to their world, right?"Mundas asked.

Peter seemed to struggle to say something so he covered that up with a random question.

"Hey, why don't I heal you up with my sense of humor?" Peter laughed.

Mundas was breathing heavily. He was in pain. He was bleeding, profusely. Memories of him being tortured in a chamber somewhere ran through his mind. He shed a tear, of which when a drop touched the ground, a portal opened. This time, one angel-like figure was spotted.

"A foreign call I receive. What does thy human seek from thy world?" The angel spoke. This time, the voice was feminine, a somehow deep feminine voice.

"Your majesty, we need your help. The human was injured when trying to enter the portal. He had no intention to intrude or harm anyone. Heal him for his sake." Peter begged the angel, "Avanton," Peter bowed. This was a way in Dhanti, to call the spirits.

In seconds, Mundas skin just healed and all the blood disappeared. Including the blood stains on his clothes.

"The human may enter, but he should leave all human garments outside or the Wardants will try to kill him," the angel warned.

"Come on," Peter helped Mundy up as they both walked into the portal.

Immediately they walked in, the portal disappeared.

The bracelets and chain Mundas removed all disappeared. They evaporated into thin air. The flowers floating on the river disappeared. The river still had its beautiful sky blue shade though but no colourful flowers to contrast it. Pretty weird, was it?

"Still the same place?" Mundas asked, in an upset tone.

"Peter are you sure this is not a trap? Why are we back at the same spot?" Jenny asked.

"Johnny, spread out your wings," Peter commanded.

"Wait, what?" Jenny asked.

Peter pointed towards Johnny. Jenny looked back and saw his son, glowing so brightly, with white wings, the size of his body. He was up in the air.

"What does it mean?" Jenny asked in fear, still staring at her son.

"It means that we have entered the spiritual dimension. No human can see us. We are unsighted. Only the dhantis can see us, but considering your son is probably the only dhanti then, technically no one can see us," Peter assured them.

"Now this is when you jump without worrying about being burnt by the barrier walls beyond the bridge," Peter looked at Anam and said, letting out a mocking smile.

"If you jumped by then, you'd be vaporised right before you even reach halfway down to the river. Only the unsighted can pass through and dhantis, of course," Peter said.

"How do you know so much?" Anam asked Peter, "You know every single detail about this supernatural stuff. How come we don't?"

Peter remained quiet and looked down at the river. He took a deep breath and jumped. Jenny ran to see what would happen and Peter disappeared right above the waters, leaving purple vapour.

"Let's all go together, shall we?" Johnny spread his arms and held his mother on one side and Anam on the other. Jenny then held Mundy's hand.

"On the count of three. One, two......" Johnny jumped off before he counted three and they all went down screaming. They then disappeared too, like Peter, right on top of the water.

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