Chapter Thirteen.

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It was beautiful! A land surrounded by all sorts of nature. From colourful trees: green, red, yellow, pink and most of them being purple, to grass-carpeted grounds. There were flowers of all sorts of flowers growing at random on the ground and on trees. There was an extremely purple river flowing right beside them. They followed the river to some gate, as Johnny told them, based on their instincts.

The gate was wooden, with a metallic curve of the Dhanti symbol, a baby wrapped in clothes, revealing a very wide smiling face.

"Capture him!" shouted one of the wardants at the immediate entrance of Dintris, the land of the spirits. They were the guards. They were dressed in black gladiator shoes and white long dresses. Yes, they were female. One was dark skinned, with sharp blue eyes and a perfectly contoured face. Her hair was as.....imagine the darkest shade of black possible. What a beauty!

The other was lighter, with her skin pale, close to the white cloth she had. She was a beauty too, with ice grey ice and white hair. Her face was perfectly contoured too.

The minute the wardant commanded that Mundas should be captured, a whole troupe of women came from the gate. They were all female with the same black gladiator sandals and white sleeveless dresses.

"Stop!" Johnny stood right in front of Mundas. All the wardants were pushed back with some sort of force. They all flew back, each falling with a thud on the ground. Johnny spread out his wings and ignited purple flames, on his hands, with a snap.

"Leave my friends alone," Johnny commanded, calmly.

Everyone dropped their swords down. Not even a whisper was heard. Then the white-haired wardant stepped forward. She spread out her arm, gazing those grey eyes at Johnny. She then slightly bent forward and resumed back to standing position. She gestured everyone else to leave except the dark skinned one.

"A bunch of honeys down here," Anam told himself, losing focus on the bigger picture.

"Guys, where's Jenny?" Anam asked, turning his head in all directions, "Peter?"

Peter was so deep in thought he wasn't even listening.

"Jensen!" Anam called out.

"Hey! Keep it down!" Peter told Anam.

"Your girlfriend is missing in case you haven't noticed!" Anam was now furious, a side no one had ever seen before.

An argument arose. Peter was too busy trying to make Anam shut up yet Anam was puzzled why he wouldn't set out to look for her.

The white-haired wardant raised her arm and made their voices inaudible.

"We won't hear their arguments, they can only hear between themselves," she said,"I'm Davantis and she is Icris."

Peter then looked away and kept silent.

"You are.....a..." Icris walked gradually closer to Johnny, "the legends are true?"

"Mundas, right?" Davantis asked.

"How did you....." Mundas was puzzled by how she knew his name without an introduction.

"Is Marlock in?" Peter asked, as he shook his head from his deep thoughts.

"I thought we shouldn't hear him," the inquisitive Mundas went on.

"I'm a hybrid, their powers only work in humans," Peter was majestic about his advantage over Anam.

"But why did Anam pass the..." Mundas was interrupted by Peter.

"Save the questions!" Peter was so agitated.

"Yes, Marlock is in. Not had any missions since the last of the mortal dhantis were wiped out," Davantis answered Peter's question to break the tension.

Johnny calmed down. He demattered his wings (made them invisible) and extinguished the flames on his hands. All eyes went on him.

"I am the last of our kind, but the alpha is yet to rise, five centuries from now, to seek avengance. He will have all the abilities, unlimited powers and supernatural strength. He will come to the spirits, and free the trapped souls."

Icris and Davantis recited that prophecy in unison.

"Follow us," Icris said as she stared at Johnny. But everyone was keen enough to know she meant everyone.

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