Chapter Twenty One.

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"I saw something," Mundas told Jim when he walked into the library to see him.

"Keep it down, Jenny's asleep. Haven't slept much tonight. She's been having nightmares," Jim whispered.

"Right sorry, as I was saying," Mundas proceeded, "Icris..."

"It's totally alright for a human and wardant to date, provided your entry was genuine!" Jim interrupted him with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"No, it's just..." Mundas was interrupted again.

"I saw the look on your face when you comforted her....Mundy," Jim smiled as he stood up to tap Mundas' shoulder.

"Listen, Icris isn't normal Jim," Mundas said.

Jim changed his face. He was more serious now and willing to listen.

"She has a mark on her neck, back of her neck," Mundas continued, "a round mark with an arrow in the middle. I also had that at some point. Peter said that was a mark of the controlled. Could she be a controlled in disguise?"

Jim made eye contact with Mundas. He looked as though those sharp blue eyes hurt his.

"No kidding!" Jim shouted.

He looked beyond worried. He walked round the library, tears on the verge of flowing out. He then called out to Marlock.

"I have failed you Marlock, what should I do?" Jim cried.

"Marlock! I have failed you! Save Dintris by replacing me!" Jim cried out.

Nothing happened.

"Maybe we can come up with something," Mundas tried to calm Jim down.

Jim went back to his chair and dropped down with a heavy thud.

"Honey?" Jenny whispered from the entrance.

Jim quickly wiped his tears and looked at his wife. She was in Jim's shirt. It was long though, close to knee-length.

"Are you okay?" Jim asked, holding her to his chair.

"I woke up feeling pain, everywhere. Then all of a sudden my head felt heavy. I don't know why. I feel like I'm not in control of my body and thoughts most of the time," Jenny explained, "my neck has a piercing pain."

Jim went behind her and carefully pulled her hair on one side. He almost fainted. His eyes instantly widened. He did not move a all.

"You will be okay honey," he assured her, without telling her what he really saw.

He looked at her, tears building up in his eyes and held one of her cheeks. He then kissed her forehead and went to his room. Mundas walked over to Jenny to see what Jim saw. And there it was! A controlled mark! At the same place Icris' was. Mundas carefully put her hair back into position and escorted Jenny to Jim's room.

"A wave," Jim said as he looked out his window.

"A wave?" Mundas asked.

"The Lenons let out a wave as they had the slightest opportunity to be in Dintris. Random people are getting the mark," Jim calmly said.

"So that is why Icris may have it? And now Jensen?" Mundas asked.

They looked at her, she was sleeping.

"I get my Jenny back then now some psychos wanna take her away?" Jimluis was agitated.

Mundas didn't know how to respond to that. He wore a concerned face and looked at Jim.

"We need to teleport to Lenon. Something has to be done. I don't understand what they want from us, from Eldon too. Do you?" Jim asked, almost in a suspicious tone.

"Jim, I'm also as puzzled as you are," Mundas assured Jim.

"We need as many wardants as we can possibly have," Jim said, almost like commanding.

"I'll stay here with Jenny, go help me out on that yeah?" Jim said.

He opened a portal for Mundas to a place he'd find the wardants and told him to hurry up before it closes.

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