Chapter Six.

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"Mom!!!" Johnny called out loud. He held his ears as though he was blocking some noise from the extremely quiet surrounding, "The water...too loud!"

Jenny looked around. No sign of water. Peter went closer to Johnny. The air around Johnny was cold. Johnny was becoming sweaty again. His skin was turning red.

"Calm down Johnny," Peter told Johnny.

Johnny lost his consciousness, again. Jenny knelt down and shook his son to wake up. Nothing.

"Do you know something Peter? Do you?" Jenny asked Peter suspiciously, "Answer me!"

"If I say anything, we may die," Peter answered.

"So you really are aware of something and you won't tell me?" Jenny was getting angrier by the second.

Peter stood still, staring at Johnny on the floor.

"Your son is...." Before Peter could finish his statement, Johnny woke up but very calmly. He was not traumatised or in shock.

"Johnny!" His mom shouted with joy.

"We keep going," Johnny suddenly stood up and led the way, holding his mum's hand.

Anam and Jenny looked in each other's eyes in wonder. Peter was just quiet, lost in thought. He was battling with the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. Should he tell them? Would he be going against his best friend's will? Is hiding it going to make things worse?

Jenny was even deeper in thought. She held her lips lightly with her index finger, recalling that moment Peter and her kissed. She was confused. Is Peter trustworthy? Why is he hiding something about her own son from her? She began doubting him but another side actually liked him. Yes, liked.

"I'm in love with him?" Jenny asked herself. She let out a smirk then shook off that thought.

Jimluis, her late husband (not so certain anymore) flashed in her mind. Balancing tears were evident in her eyes. This was a man Jenny gave her life to. A man she loved like no other. This was the man she spent 16 years of her life with. How could she possibly manage to just move on and forget him. A part of her knew he was gone forever but another part kept pushing her closer to believing he will come back. That fact made her even more emotional. What if he came back? What if he isn't dead? Some of the questions that ran in her mind.

How Johnny kept saying he sees his dad kept bugging her. The extremely abnormal event that happened earlier that morning even dragged Jenny more towards knowing her husband was not dead.

But everything happened right before her eyes. She was horse-riding with her husband when a bullet from nowhere landed in Jim's chest. He fell down from the horse, head first, to the ground. Jenny jumped out of the horse and ran to him, shouting his name, "Jim!"

Blood flowed out of his body. There was no pulse. He laid still, his eyes opened, staring at the sky. No single movement occurred. He was gone! At least that was the situation. The government took his body, and from there on, no one ever saw him again. Not even a burial was conducted. That was the norm in Eldon. They exported healthy organs of dead people to other cities for foreign exchange. They all thought that is what happened to Jim as well.

Jenny then looked up and saw Peter, who was walking right in front of her. She shook off the idea of ever getting involved with Peter.

"My love, if you are out there, I will find you," she said beneath her breath.

Johnny then looked behind, "Mom, are you okay?"

"Yes son? Oh! Yeah...yeah. Just thinking," Jenny said, trying to look convincing.

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