Chapter Twenty Two.

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"Surrender my soul to Mundas, surrender," Marlock's voice danced in Jim's head in his sleep.

Jim woke up, sighing. He then turned to Jenny to check on her. She was heavily sweating, shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes were glowing, but not purple. Blue. He got out of bed and stepped back. Jenny then turned towards him and blew blue flames right at his face. He woke up, again, screaming this time.

Jenny too woke up in shock, "I burnt you!" Jenny was terrified.

"It was just a bad dream honey, go to sleep," Jim hid his fears and cuddled his wife to sleep.

"What is wrong with me?" Jenny asked, half asleep.

Jim looked down to her, almost crying.

"Nothing honey, nothing. I love you," Jim assured her.

She immediately went deep into slumberland. As soon as she slept, Jim carefully placed her head on his pillow and left the room. He headed over to the balcony outside his room to think.

"Marlock, do whatever you want, but please don't leave me dead. My wife needs me. My son is out there, stranded. Take your soul, but leave me alive, please," Jim pleaded Marlock.

"You were never dead," Marlock's voice was heard.

Jim looked around in fright, "Marlock?"

"You were never dead Jim, go to your wife, I will handle the rest," Marlock instructed Jim.

"What did you mean by telling me to surrender your soul to Mundas?" Jim asked Marlock, still looking for his potential location.

"You will all survive," Marlock said.

It was suddenly extremely windy as Marlock disappeared. The wind then stopped. Jim was left deep in thought. Wondering what Marlock meant. He then looked back, folding his arms on his chest, and looked at Jenny. Whenever he saw her his eyes just watered. He loved his wife so much he couldn't help crying.

"Maybe I should listen to Marlock," he told himself.

He then turned back to face the balcony. Suddenly, a sense of doubt hit him.

"What if it wasn't Marlock? What if the Lenons are trying to trick me and make me less powerful?"

Jenny opened her eyes and saw Jim outside, at the balcony. She sat up and stared at him.

"Honey?" she called out, "It's still too early to be up."

Jim walked in and told Jenny not to worry about him. Jenny looked sad and lay down.

"Okay then," she went back to sleep, or rather, she tried to sleep.

Mundas on the other hand could not sleep. He was close to being heartbroken after falling in love with a possessed girl. Yes he admitted to being in love with Icris. In fact, he was blown away when he first saw her. He hoped in his mind, so hard, that she will be okay and he will be able to make them a 'Jim and Jenny'. He shook his head out of fantasies and closed his eyes to sleep, or try to, on the ground. On the foreign place he was sent, to find the wardants. Good thing he always carried a blanket and a scarf in his small backpack.

"What should I do Marlock?" Jim asked the sky, assuming Marlock was listening.

A spell was spelt, glowing on the window, 'Kuptanvani Alom.'

He then saw a vision. A dhanti, an old and wise one, approached him and asked him what he wanted. He then knew what he had to do. He went back to bed and placed Jenny's head on his chest. She held him tighter and made a faint smile.

"I love you," Jim whispered to her.

"I love you too," she whispered back, though half asleep.

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