Chapter 18

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Jenny was out sitting in the garden, internalising all the crazy things that's been going around her lately, then it hit her. The war back on earth. She quickly stood up and headed back to the house and to Johnny's room. Jim was there, teaching his son how to control his powers and abilities.

"Honey, can I talk to you for a second?" Jenny called Jim.

"I'll be back son," Jim told Johnny.

Johnny nodded and continued practicing the few moves his father taught him.

"I want to have my husband and son back," Jenny began, "that normal family. My messy family. I miss vacuuming the house for you. I miss laundries. I miss the food fights. Our pancake weekends."

Her eyes were getting teary as her voice gradually grew louder.

"I want you Jim. You," Jenny knelt down and held Jim's hands.

"You want to go back to earth? With the war?" Jim asked in fear.

"I want to restore peace back on earth. Jim everything happening to me, to us, there must be a reason. My son....sorry...our son cannot turn out to be the only completely powerful whatever around for nothing, don't you think?" She said.

"Look, none of this makes sense to me, but all I know is I can use whatever is on my hands for everyone's sake," she finished.

Jim looked right into her eyes and smiled.

"I really did miss you, didn't I?" he nodded with a smirk on his face.

Suddenly his face changed immediately. He had this ear to ear smile on him that vanished in nanoseconds. He then stepped back and looked down.

"I made an oath on Marlock's grave Jensen. I broke half of it. I changed to me. God knows what is going through Icris and Davantis' minds," tears began forming in his eyes.

"What oath?" Jenny got rather concerned than curious.

"Never to reveal that Marlock is dead by turning into me in front of everyone else, especially the wardants, but Jenny believe me," moving closer to her, "I wanna be with you, spirits aside, Dintris, everything. Just you and our son. But I have to give up Dintris and when I let the guard down they are at risk with the Lenons. And without the spirit world, all nature will lose balance."

Marlock was responsible for the protection of the spirit world. Only those with emotional bonds to the spirit world could see and access it.

Johnny walked out of his room, smiling.

"Mom, dad, I've gone to see Anam," he told them.

Jimluis nodded as he gave way to his son.

"What do you want from us? Why are you here? Huh?" Johnny entered furiously into Anam's room.

Peter and Mundas were not in the premises. Anam was sitting on the bed, covered in white bedding, thinking. When he saw Johnny, he formed an evil smile.

"You are not meant to be here. Shantis were banned from Dintris!" Johnny shouted.

"Quiet!" Anam commanded, dashing to Johnny. The speed was crazy. He moved similarly to a vampire.

Immediately he did, Mundas walked in, eyes wide open, mouth agape.

"What just happened," he asked stepping back.

"Mundy, buddy, brought the thing?" Anam asked.

"Thing?" Johnny asked.

"Anam are you high?" Mundas asked, "dude, what thing?"

Suddenly, Anam held Johnny by the neck and threatened to choke him if Mundas did say a word about what he saw. Mundas stood firm and swore to let everyone know Anam was a bad person. Talons grew on Anam's fingernails. Slowly piercing through Johnny's neck.

"Ok ok! I won't say a word! Dude, this is a bad idea. Killing a supernatural in the spirit world?" Mundas asked.

"No! I am here for what I came for, all the mistakenly dead souls!" Anam said, letting out an evil laugh. His face changed. His eyes grew bigger, with his Iris turning white. His hair sank in his scalp. His canine teeth grew longer and his tongue changed into a spear. A red "x" appeared on his chest and began glowing as though it had flames behind it.

"No, please!" Johnny shouted.

"Papaaaa!" Johnny called out to his father. He then remembered what his father taught him. Clips of the lesson played in his mind.

His father taught him how to attack using internal frequency. Meaning, he could produce frequencies that weaken the enemy and possibly killing them. He shut his eyes tight to concentrate and whispered "Avanti Shalupe," quite a number of times. Suddenly, Anam was on the floor, unconscious.

Mundas and Johnny looked at him, panting in fear.

"Are you okay buddy?" Mundas asked Johnny.

"It will heal shortly," Johnny assured him.

"We gotta go to Marlock......sorry Jimluis," Mundas said.

They both set foot and ran upstairs. Anam slowly began to disappear in thin air.

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