Chapter Eleven.

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"Are you okay?" Johnny asked Mundas.

"Yeah...uumm, yeah!" Mundas assured him.

Johnny let the shield down.

"They aren't far, hurry!"

Johnny and Mundas held hands and kept running. Mundas had so many questions in mind, but he shook them off and kept running.

"Mum! Where are you?" Johnny called out.

Tears began accumulating. He feared his mother could be dead after the arrow exploded.

"No child, no. They are okay. If you can trace her she is alive, right? Is that it?"

Johnny looked right into those deep supernaturally blue eyes. He sighed and breathed heavily.

"You're right. I shouldn't lose it. Let's go this way," Johnny said, wiping his tears and pointing towards the midday sun.

After a long walk of silence, Mundas stopped Johnny and hugged him.

"You saved my life kiddo. I still want to know how you removed that arrow from me without me being wounded. But all in all, thanks kid."

"Call me Johnny," Johnny said, hugging him tighter, "I was just performing my duties."

"Let's get going, shall we?" Mundas said.

Johnny smiled, he began trusting his new friend, and they walked along.

Peter stopped walking and looked behind, as though he suspected something.

"Johnny!" Peter called him out.

Peter then dropped down, moaning in pain, "Johnny!!!!!"

Johnny called out to Peter too, dropping down in pain.

"Peter!" Jenny ran to him.

"Johnny!" Mundas ran to him.

Both Peter and Johnny were down, shouting each other's names. Johnny glowed. He then stood up and held Mundy's hand.

"Do you trust me?" Johnny asked.

"What?" Mundas was unsure of what to say, but before he could get words out of his mouth, he found himself in a portal, a purple portal. Seconds later, they both fell right in front of Jenny and Peter.

"What the..." Anam was in disbelief, "He can do anything he pleases!"

Johnny was too exhausted to stand up, he sat down panting and looking weak.

Peter stood up and stared at Johnny, "What are you?"

"I swear I don't know how what happened Peter, I felt pain rushing through my body. I was dizzy. My heart beat a million beats a minute. I suddenly called your name and this strength came from nowhere and now, we are here," Johnny explained, still breathing heavily.

"You felt them too? Johnny we need to head to Catalon as soon as possible. Can you link it from here? Can you tell the direction?"

"What are you guys even talking about?" Anam asked, looking so clueless.

"The spirits are calling. The further we move from them, the stronger the callings. If we go any further, Johnny and I will die."

"Then why did the compass point west?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know kiddo but follow your instincts. Mine say we need to head for Catalon. What do yours say?" Peter held Johnny's shoulders, looking right into his eyes.

"My instincts tell me to do what feels right. And listening to your word doesn't feel wrong so..." Johnny answered.

"How far is Catalon?" Mundas asked.

"Probably a few weeks from here if we are lucky," Anam said, making a sarcastic laugh.

"Johnny, how did we teleport here?" Mundy asked.

Johnny stared at the floor, "Ummm, I have no idea."

"Come on son, try thinking!" Jenny was on her son's neck.

"Will you all just stop? Stop it! I am not your puppet or entertainment okay?" Johnny got this sudden anger in him, "You are not the only ones whose heads are exploding. You are not the only ones confused by everything! Just, leave me alone!"

Johnny breathed heavily.

"This is not normal," Jenny whispered to Peter, "Never in my life have I seen him this tempered."

"You're all using me!" Johnny was growing angrier by the minute.

"Honey, no one is using you," Jenny assured her son.

"Back off mom!" His hands were lit up with purple flames.

Jenny moved back real quick, not believing if her son was really capable of hurting anyone.

"You want a portal? To Catalon? Huh? Fine then!" Johnny waved his hands round until an air sucking portal gradually grew bigger, from the size of a grape.

As soon as it was big and complete, everyone was sucked in it.

They then poured out at once to the other side. Catalon.

Johnny lay down unconscious.

"Johnny?" Peter called out.

Good thing he woke up.

"What happened?" Johnny asked, getting up.

They all stood still and read their surroundings.

They were right on top of a bridge. Not just any bridge. It crossed an extremely wide river. The river had a sky shade of blue. It was beautiful. Different coloured flowers floated at the top. Butterflies were everywhere. Beside the river were the great towers of Catalon City. The city was extremely beautiful. Why this city was never attacked was still a puzzle.

"One is tempted to dive into that beauty," Anam said, looking hypnotised by the view, "Is this earth?"

"Concentrate dude," Mundy slapped him on the back.

"What next?" Jenny asked

"Wait, is Jimluis somewhere? My husband! Jimluis! Where are you? Where is he?" Jenny walked in circles, desperate.

"Patience is a virtue my dear," Peter assured Jenny.

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