Chapter Twenty.

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As Mundas was gazing at the grass, plucking one by one subconsciously, a thought crossed his mind. Icris. He smiled, out of nowhere. He didn't understand how and why but the sudden thought made him smile. He looked up the sky and shook the thought off his head.

"No way," he told himself.

He denied his emotions. Coincidentally, or not, Icris showed up. She seemed to be in a hurry. But when Mundas looked up and saw her, it was as though she was in slow motion. Her long open black hair swayed from left to right and bounced up and down at the same time as she walked with strong impact to the ground. Her face, even serious, was that of a goddess to him. Even her blinks made Mundas have butterflies. How her hips swayed each step she made. Her femininity took his breath away.

"Mundas!" Icris shouted as she stood in front of him. He shook his head back to reality.

"Huh?" he completely lost track of everything to the point he didn't realise Icris was right in front of him.

He quickly stood up, staring right into Icris' eyes. Those blue irises would hypnotise anyone.

"I didn't see you there," he said, trying to hide the embarrassment with a smile.

"I need to see," she looked worried.

"What is happening?" Mundas asked, holding her on her shoulders. She looked up to him. This made Mundas draw nearer to losing his mind. She was too beautiful!

"We stopped an entry. If we don't do anything soon, we will lose. We've lost one wardant," tears formed in her eyes. The reflection the tears made on her eyes made them more outstanding.

"We should go," Mundas told Icris, "and where is Davantis?"

"She is nowhere to be seen," Icris whispered, looking down in sadness.

She ran to the house. Mundas followed. Jensen was crying on Jim's shoulder. The disappearing of whoever she thought was her son still haunted her. She wanted her son back, but question is, has she always had him?

Jenny stood up when she saw Icris run to them, crying.

"Madelina's dead!" she shouted.

Jim slowly stood up, "What?!"

"We stopped another bad entry. It unfortunately cost Madelina's life!"

"Who's Madelina?" Jenny asked.

"Our wardant leader. She trained us for hundreds of years. She was the most powerful wardant with all the fighting skills one could think of. We knew her to be undestructable, until today," she dropped on her knees, sobbing. Mundas knelt down and hugged her.

Jim went to the window to brainstorm. He whispered to himself, "whoever messes around again shall face it.

"Davantis, why are you not with her?" Jim asked, turning back to Icris.

"She disappeared in the midst of fighting," Icris tried to talk. She was deep in tears.

Jim headed upstairs. Jenny followed. Mundas and Icris were left down, hugging.

"Nothing will happen again. No one will hurt you," Mundas assured her even though he knew deep down he was defenceless.

As he held her neck against his chest, he noticed something at the back of her neck. Icris had the forsaken sign on her neck. The round navy blue mark with an arrow right at the middle. He slowly looked up, in shock. He was too scared to say anything.

"Well I guess you have to go back to work now?" Mundas said, trying to get Icris out as soon as he could. Jim needed to know this.

She looked up and smiled, "See you around?"

Mundas forced a smile and nodded, she stood up and left. Mundas played casual until she left completely. He immediately went to his room to think. He sat on his bed, wondering what to do. If he should raise the alarm or not.

Jim on the other hand was comforting Jenny. Jenny could not stop crying. They sat opposite each other on Jim's bed, legs crossed. Jim stretched out his hand to hers.

"However that kid was able to use my powers and convince me he was my son, I don't know. But the truth remains, I still feel my son's alive. I can sense it and honey I promise you with everything I got we will find him," Jim hoped Jenny would stay strong.

"Hey, we are linked, by love and power. We will find him and end everything. I believe in you my love," Jimluis comforted his wife.

Jenny looked right into Jim's eyes, crying. She forced a smile.

"This is why you're irreplaceable," Jenny said.

Jimluis moved closer to his wife and kissed her forehead. He then hugged her really tight, stroking his hand on her hair. He always loved her hair. And she always loved his fingers on her hair.

"Will he be okay?" Jenny popped out a question in the passionate silence.

"Look at me, he will be with us honey," Jim assured her.

She smiled, leaning in for a kiss. One kiss became two, then three. An intense moment followed. They needed it. They needed to show how much they love each other to stay strong. And in a short time, things got deeper and more passionate. Jim paused for a moment when he was on top of her and whispered, "I missed you so much."

He pulled her hair behind her ears and smiled. She pulled him towards her. More love making!

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