Chapter Nineteen.

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Jim and Jenny were having some husband and wife time in the garden when Johnny and Mundas ran to them.

"Mom! Anam tried to kill me!" Johnny began crying hugging Mundas.

Jim immediately stood up and checked on his son. He was in denial. His eyes almost fell off their sockets when he saw that Johnny had dents on his neck. Jenny was still sitting on the floor, looking as though she was thinking, or recalling something.

"Honey?" Jim called out to Jenny.

"Where's Peter?" Jenny asked as though she was concerned. Very concerned.

Jim's face turned pale. He was still unforgivably mad at Peter for trying to win Jenny over. He took Johnny with him and went back into the house looking all sad.

"Jimmy no, come on Jimmy," Mundas called out.

"Dad?" Johnny tried to get his father's attention but all he did was hold his hand tighter as he entered the house.

Jenny ran after him and held his hand.

"If you think I care about him, you're totally right. But if you, for a second, think I'd replace you with him, you are very wrong my dear. Peter may not have stuck to your code with him or whatever but all this time I was on the verge of death, he took care of my son and I. Thank him for that," Jenny was firm in her voice, "I love you Jimluis, not him. I freaking thought you were dead Jim. Deep down I always wished he'd turn into you."

Jim looked back. His eyes began getting teary. He couldn't resist kissing Jenny.

"You always know what to say, don't you?" he asked smiling.

"Dad, we have to go to Anam now. You have to see this," Johnny said, holding hands with his father to lead the way.

Mundas and Jenny followed. Running. By the time they opened the bedroom door, Anam was nowhere to be seen.

"He was here I swear!" Mundas and Johnny said at the same time.

"Let me see what you saw son," Jim approached Johnny and placed his hand on his scalp.

The minute the white-eyed creature image showed up, Jim quickly let go of Johnny. Johnny fell down on the floor. He wasn't breathing. He had no pulse. Jenny dashed to her son.

"JOHNNY! Son please, wake up. You can do this. Son, please," Jenny was terrified, "No, you cannot die son, you are stronger than this!"

Jim stood back, not believing what he saw. He looked confused.

"You all need to step back. All of you. Now!" he told everyone.

"No! My son!" Jenny shouted.

"Baby you gotta trust me. He is not our son, move back!" Jim told Jenny.

Jenny's face changed as she let go of Johnny's hand. She stood up and hugged Jim. Everyone stood back. All of a sudden, Johnny began disappearing too, just as Anam did.

"Okay somebody please tell me what is happening?" Mundas asked in fear.

"No no no no no Johnny? Son? JOHNNY!!!" Jenny began crying. She knelt down on the spot where Johnny was and began crying.

"Johnny was not my son. Johnny was not..." Jim began crying too. He was too weak to stand. He fell on his knees.

Jenny looked up and moved to her husband. She placed his head on her shoulder as she sat next to him. Mundas teared up too, with a very confused face. Peter, Anam and Johnny disappeared. Was there a list of people meant to disappear? If so, why and where? So many questions ran through Mundas' mind.

"What is going on?" Mundas asked as he sat on the bed," he asked Jim.

Jim looked up. His face was so dull and pale. His eyes were cherry red. His voice sounded soar from all the crying.

"For once, I thought I had my family in one piece. Look at us now. What I saw nearly killed me. Johnny isn't Johnny. That was a shanti disguised as our son. The Lenons sent them "the controlled" to us as spies," Jim explained.

"So, Anam too?" Jenny asked.

"I don't know sweetheart but all I know is, they disappeared because they failed their mission. Serves as punishment from the Lenon Council," Jim answered her.

Jenny then looked right into Mundas.

"Weren't you controlled? Peter saw your symbol," Jenny got paranoid.

"Somehow I overcame it. I swear I have no bad intentions Jensen," Mundas promised.

"Few humans repel the spell. Some after sometime, some are totally immune, but some die" Jim said, "Mundas is one of the lucky few."

"But he is a Lenon?" Jenny asked.

"I'm from Catalon actually, I was captured and...." Mundas got emotional.

"I understand buddy, you don't have to," Jim told him.

All three left the room and headed to the living room. Jim revealed a map on his window.

"No one told me the spiritual world is also ahead technologically," Mundas said with an impressed voice.

"We need to end this. And not just stop more dangerous entries, but to end this from the source," Jim told them.

"See this point?" Jim pointed a specific point in Lenon, "It is completely abandoned. We could teleport there and find our way to the council."

"Oh, we're gonna negotiate with the number one cause of deaths in the world today? Are you serious right now?" Mundas grew more scared.

"We have no option buddy," Jim said.

Mundas began tearing up. He stood up and walked out of the living room into the garden. Jim and Jennny stayed indoors looking at each other with completely worried faces.

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