Chapter Fourteen.

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Marlock was in his chamber, fenced with purple trees. The ground was carpeted with purple grass. His 'palace' as he called it was a cylindrical concrete structure, the first floor being entirely windows. His entrance gate was always open, with a 'Don't come in' sign.

"Then why leave the gate open if he won't welcome anyone?" Mundas asked.

Suddenly, Mundas began breathing heavily, his eyes opening wide, almost as though he was suffocating.

"Him! It is him! They took my mother!" Mundas began crying, "Where is she? Huh? Where!"

He dropped to the ground on his knees and unrooted the grass his feast could clench to. He was crying so loud.

"They tried to kill me," Mundas said in a calm sad voice when he looked up to Jenny.

"Why would anyone here kill? Unless you unfollowed the writings," Peter asked in surprise.

"What writings?" Mundas looked at Peter, with his teary eyes.

"Shut up. I don't need your interrogations. But I'm not going inside there. PERIOD!" Mundas was getting short-tempered.

Johnny stretched his arm to help him up.

"It's okay Mundy. I'm here," said Johnny.

That actually calmed Mundas down.

Peter was impatient, he let out a loud cough and began walking. The rest followed him. Mundas looked scared. Almost threatened by the surrounding. When they crossed the gate, a magical glowing door, purple, just appeared from the blues and closed the entrance.

"Avanti shana," Icris and Davantis recited in uniform.

Marlock appeared right in front of them.

"I was expecting you," was the first thing he said to them.

He had pale skin and long blonde hair. His face was smooth, with no beard. He had orange-brown eyes as though the sunset was always hitting its rays in his eyes. He dressed in white too.

He walked to Johnny.

"I'm not alone anymore, my fellow dhanti," Marlock said to himself as he knelt down to Johnny.

"You are one special friend of mine, you know that?" Marlock told Johnny, gently pinching his nose.

"We are here to seek amongst the mistakenly dead Marlock," Peter said.

"I'm surprised you're more impatient than your friend here. Jensen should be the one pressuring me, not you," Marlock was disappointed with Peter.

"Deaths are not mistaken, they are just random. No one chooses when to die, except, well you know," Marlock said as he turned to guide the rest in his chamber.

Everything was either transparent or white in his chamber. From the couches, to the tables, all furniture was white. The floor was a smooth marble-like material, still white.

"How do you keep this place clean?" Jensen asked, looking around.

"No dust in this world beautiful. White symbolises peace," Marlock replied.

Jenny stared right into Marlock's eyes and replayed a memory of her and Jimluis.

"Honey, you need other clothes other than white ones," Jenny told Jim.

"What?" he laughed, "white symbolises peace," Jimluis told his wife, with the exact intonation Marlock used.

"No it can't be," Jenny shook off the thought and looked around.

"Follow me," Marlock told them.

Marlock turned away from the rest and shed a tear. Jenny was behind him. She touched his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Marlock turned behind and looked right into Jenny's. Jenny got lost into his eyes that somehow looked like Jim's. She saw Jim in those eyes. She felt as though she was looking right into Jimluis.

"Jim?" She quietly called out. A tear running down her cheek.

Peter pulled Jenny back.

"I'm sorry Marlock. She is just tired," Peter said.

Marlock turned away and smiled almost as though he went through a moment he always wanted to have.

He walked, and everyone else followed. They went up the stairs, purely glass. They then found themselves in a big library. The walls were shelves, 10 metres high, with books on them. The only things that had colour in that house.

Marlock went to his desk and removed a yellow book from one of his drawers. It was quite big with the word 'RECORDS' written on it in italics.

"This is where the records are kept. Records of all the dead. The yellow book is for the good souls, they eventually become wardents after centuries as the others get promoted to Randhis. A more powerful spirit world," Marlock told them.

He scrolled through names in the 'J' category. Jimluis was not on the list.

"But, how?" Marlock asked. He got a bit too emotional than expected.

"How is this even possible?" he asked himself.

His eyes glowed purple and shouted, "All gates to the kingdom, closed!"

"What? What is wrong? Johnny approached Marlock.

"Nothing to worry about kiddo," he said, wiping his tears.

Of course Johnny did not believe that but he played along. Jenny was lost in her thoughts. Something told her that Marlock was Jimluis. But she shook the thought off claiming it was illogical.

"But with all the new supernatural stuff, nothing is logical anymore," she whispered to herself.

"We have to teleport. Now. Before it's too late Jensen. Just you and me," Marlock stretched out his hand. Jenny was more confused asking where they were going.

"Trust me, Reyes," Marlock said with an intonation of assurance.

Jenny recapped Jim's voice and Marlock sounded so much like him. She held hands with him and Marlock made a portal.

"Wait here," Marlock told the rest.

"Mother!" Johnny shouted as she walked to the portal. And zoop! They were swallowed.

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