Chapter 2: Talking to Familiar Faces

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Peach and Mario awoke from their slumber from the toot toot of the train. They got out of bed and started putting on their outfits of the day. Mario put on his usual outfit, while peach put on a pink dress with matching heels and put on her crown. They left the room and went to the train door. They exited the train, and went over to the bob-ombs. Gold bob-omb said " Nice to see you again Mario! Oh, is this your girlfriend Peach? You are a lucky guy. Anyways,  what can I do for you guys? Peach said " Do you know how to get to the moon? I wanted to explore with Mario." " I have heard of rumors of a transporter underground Rougeport. The cannon we used for Mario a while back broke down so it can't be used." Gold bob-omb said. Peach and Mario thanked and said goodbyes as they proceeded to the Poshley Heights hotel. Since it was near nighttime hours, they decided to eat a fancy dinner of shroom steak and potatoes. "So where do you think the transporter would be in Rougeport?" Peach said. "I'm planning on us going back to town to ask Professor Frankly for a map. Hopefully, we can find the entrance, and go to the moon." Mario said. They finished dinner and went to bed. The next day they took the trains and arrived in Rougeport. As they got off the train the went into town. " Hey bro! I didn't know you would come here!" Luigi said to Mario. Peach looked behind to see Daisy and ran to her. "Hi Daisy! I miss you so much!" The girls hugged and then Daisy said " I missed you too. Luigi brought me here on vacation. We also heard a rumor from some of the people that you guys are on an adventure. Could we come along with you guys?" Peach replied " Sure! We would love to have you guys come with us. Drop off your stuff at the hotel and meet us at Professor Frankly's house. Luigi and Daisy put their suitcases next to Peach and Mario's stuff. Luigi grabbed his phone with an actual vacuum phone case on it, some coins, and food supplies. Daisy grabbed her phone with a phone case that can shoot out boos, and a piranha plant coin purse. Luigi and Daisy left to see Peach and Mario. Peach showed them the map and they went over to a pipe. All four of them went down it one at a time excited for adventure.

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