Chapter 7: Branches of Adventures

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On the screen, the plans were layed out. The X-nauts were planning on returning to the moon to revive plans the plans of kidnapped peach. But instead, they planned on capturing all of the princesses, and turn them evil one by one. Peach and Daisy looked at each other, and the guys looked at them. Nobody wanted to say anything, but Peach spoke up. "So what should we do with these plans?" Daisy then took a picture of the plans on her phone, and said " We are going to stop this. I think that Peach will work with me while you guys work together. We will go to each princess and bring them to safe places. Me and Peach will first go to Rosalina while you guys go to Pauline." Luigi said in reply " So we are splitting up again? How about we change it to me going with Daisy and Peach and Mario go together? That way we each have the brains and the brawns." The group agreed on Luigi's idea, so Mario and Peach will find Pauline while Daisy and Luigi go to Rosalina. Mario said "On my floor, I found the old transporter room. Luigi and I will go to fix the machine, but since it will take hours you girls should go explore while you can." Daisy and Peach set off to a different floor. Suddenly, Peach's phone beeped from a notification. She opened up the TEC app, and he said " Hello Princess Peach, Can we talk right now?" Peach nodded and Daisy looked at the screen as well. "I wanted to mention that I just saw the plans the X-nauts have, and I also have related information in my storage I would like to reveal. Apparently, they made a back-up save file that contains the old me, the me where I was evil and working for the X-nauts. I need this to be separated from my new programming. Otherwise, I will end up overriding and I will be evil again." Daisy looked over and asked " But how can we fix you? Do you know who created you?" TEC replied " Professor E-gadd was my creator. He orginally created me for the purpose of being a main computer of an kingdom. However, the X-nauts stole me, and that's how I started out when Princess Peach met me." Peach said " So where is Professor E-gadd at? We need to make sure you don't revert to your old self." Peach looked at him, and her eyes were slightly watering. " Daisy needs to take the Chip from the phone because Luigi's mansion is on the path to Rosalina's Starship. I'm sorry we have to part after we finally found each other again. I really missed you, and you know how I feel from the last words I had said to you that day. I will see you again when I am fixed. Goodbye." Daisy took the Chip from Peach's phone and put it in hers. Peach ran from Daisy to the elevator to another floor. She went to her old room, where she felt comfortable in the simple sheets. Meanwhile, Daisy seemed a bit in shock. She didn't know how to help Peach. She went to elevator, and went back to find Mario and Luigi.

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