Chapter 6: Discoveries

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Luigi was looking through the discs in the office. Mario just entered and went over to Luigi. Within the stack of discs, there was one labeled Princess Peach. Luigi decided to pick it out and put it into the computer. A video popped up, and Mario pressed play. It showed some of the old plans for Peach and her "daily life" at the place. Later in the video, they saw Peach's last moment with TEC. Mario could see the agony Peach was feeling. Tears were flowing down her face, and her usual smile was gone. Her skin turned pale, as if her life was slowly leaving her.
TEC said "I.............Love.............You...."
And it caused Peach to completely breakdown sobbing. She tried to struggle with all her might to get to TEC but the X-nauts pressed the red buttons, and he was gone.
Mario pressed stop on the video, as he was crying from watching Peach suffer. He realized why Peach wanted to find TEC. He remembered when he talked to TEC once, how desperate he was to see Mario rescue Peach. Mario knew that they probably fell in love, but Peach always loved him. He didn't doubt her love. He knew she cared for everyone, just like he cared for people, like his old friend Pauline.
Luigi heard a knock and he opened the door to Peach and Daisy. Daisy hugged Luigi, and Peach went over to the computer. She saw the scene, and looked over to see Mario. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I wish that you never have to go through that again." Mario said to Peach. Peach kissed him and said " I wanted to mention that I found TEC, and I put him on my phone. I know that you saw the video, but I wanted to say that I love you. TEC is one of my best friends just like how you hang out with Pauline." Mario said "Thank you, I love you too. We should find a way off the moon now."
Mario kissed Peach and looked over at Luigi. " Guys! I found a disc I think we should check." Daisy said. Suddenly, the boo popped out from her phone case. Luigi scanned the boo with his phone." Please don't hurt him. He is just a baby. Can we please keep him?" Luigi nodded his head and went over to Daisy.
Peach took the disc from Daisy. It was labeled "The Ultimate Plan". At first, Peach assumed it was the old plan of Peach being possessed by the shadow queen. Daisy took back the disc and put into the computer. All the plans flooded into the screen. The whole group gasped at what they saw on the screen.

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