Chapter 5: Hidden Thoughts

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Meanwhile on another floor, Daisy had gotten into the old science lab. It was the same one where Peach made a potion for herself to turn invisible. While Daisy was trying to figure out how to work the machine, a tiny boo suddenly popped out of the machine. The boo was a baby, and it was alone with a sad and scared expression. "Are you going to hurt me?" said the boo as it trembled in fear. "I won't hurt you. You can come with me if you want to." Daisy said as she admired the small creature. She remembered about how Luigi was always rambling about how ghosts and Boos were tricksters and none should be trusted. However, Daisy always had a soft spot for them. The baby boo decided to blend in with her phone case, and she promised to take care of him. Daisy decided to leave the room to go find Luigi. For the moment, Luigi decided to go into the old changing room. It reminded him to the many times he pretended to dress up as girls for the laughs. He saw a X-Naut uniform laying around. It made him think about how Mario is always on adventures without him, practically getting all the glory while he is stuck with staying at home. But Luigi loved his brother nonetheless. He read some of the notes on the tables. Some were of random scribbles, others love notes to their families. Luigi decided to leave the room to head to the headquarters. As for Mario, he was just bouncing from room to room. He was happy that he was exploring again. It still bugged him that Peach wasn't happy, but he knew the truth. She wasn't always happy with being kidnapped and saved for the luxury of it. She envyed how Daisy could stay at her kingdom and join other people for games. But Mario didn't want to focus on bad thoughts. He decided to be optimistic and saw Luigi's text about being at headquarters so he heads there as well.

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