Chapter 25: Peach's Battle

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Peach and Bowser smiled as they saw the text from Luigi. As they moved along, Bowser's face shifted from happy to sad. "Peach, I don't think I can do this... I need to go to Rosalina. I'm not the hero in this story, but I believe that you will be fine without me." Bowser said as he left her at the Thousand Year Door. He felt ashamed for his actions, but he felt obligated to go to Rosalina instead.

Peach sighed, and then pushed open the door to see the dark purple palace of the shadow. She ventured through all the rooms, and she made it to the last door. Creaking open, Peach entered into the room with wide eyes. "Hi Peach, we've been waiting for you." Mario sneered as he proceeded to kiss Pauline. Peach kept her cool, and proceeded to fight using her parasol. Little did they know that the fighting Peach was a hologram, and the real Peach snuck against the walls. She closed the chest holding the shadow queen captive now. Mario and Pauline fell to the ground, and woke up to see Peach watching over them. "Thank you for rescuing us, and thank you for being a bigger person since you could have hurt us." Pauline said adjusting herself. Mario went and kissed Peach with great happiness.

Author Note: Sorry for the wait. I have made an epilogue for the story, and this is the first time in a while that I have had the chance to update my story. The epilogue will be a short, but enjoyable chapter.

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