Chapter 11: Realization

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Surprisingly, Mario, Peach, and, Bowser made it to Rosalina first. As they approached her on the starship, she smiled at Bowser. "It's nice to see you all again, but why are you here?" Rosalina said to the group. "We came because we discovered evil plans created by the X-nauts. They have kidnapped Mayor Pauline, and we need to take you somewhere safe." Mario said. "I cannot just leave my responsibilties. I have the lumas and the starship to take care of. You may come with me however." Rosalina said. She brought the group to the kitchen. Peach could tell from the looks on Bowser's and Rosalina's faces that they were in love with each other. She thought that it was a weird but sweet relationship between them.

"Peach, I have something for you. Princess Daisy sent it earlier and asked that you read her letter first." Rosalina said. Peach took the letter and read it in another room. It said: "Hi Peach. Luigi and I have made it to E-gadd and the Mansion. The small boo now lives in the Mansion, but I have some bad news. E-gadd was working on TEC's software, and it triggered a file to permanently erase everything. I sent along a letter he wrote in case anything happened. Love Daisy." Peach fell to her knees and sobbed uncontrollably. Mario heard the commotion and grabbed the letter. Bowser read it as well and they gave Peach some space alone to process the news. She took a moment to breathe, and slowly opened TEC'S letter.

"Dear Princess Peach, If you are reading this letter, that means that my software has been erased. I know that you regret letting me go to get fixed, but you should not feel bad at all. This gives me the chance to say all the things I would have never dare to say otherwise. I wanted to tell you that I have enjoyed all the time we spent together, whether it was dancing, sneaking, making potions, or simply having fun together. You taught me what it means to be alive. I know that you love Mario, but there is a part of me that your heart will never let go of. A part from when we had a rare love. It might seem impossible to be the same person you were, but you will be changed for the better. When the day comes that you marry Mario, which I know will happen. He will make you the happiest person alive. His love will replace the love that I could never fully give you. I will miss you as well, and I am thankful that I met you. I love you will all my heart, and you will always have me with you. This is my final goodbye to you. Love, Tec".

Peach's eyes swelled up I'm tears. She quickly took a picture of the letter before it became partly soaked with tears. Her heart felt shattered, and she didn't know what she could do. Mario came into the room. Peach laid on the bed, and Mario laid next to her. "I'm sorry that TEC is gone. I know that I am not much, but I promise that I will never leave you. Peach turned to face Mario and kissed him. The kiss was powerful and deep. A connection of unconditional love flowed between them. Later that evening, Peach asked Rosalina to preserve the letter and The letter was put into a special book.

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