Chapter Five

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"I told you he normally wins," Taylor says as she forgot what Leland said for n.

"Here," Carson says grumbling about losing ten bucks. Leland smiles and puts the cash into his pocket.

"What's another game? We've played this one a million times." Julia says.

"What about 21 questions?" Analyze suggests.

"Oh, what about the Movie Game?" Leland asks.

"The what?" Chloe asks confused.

"Someone starts with an actress/actor the next person has to say a movie that they're in, and then the next person says an actress/actor in the movie. So, Emma Watson." He turns to Layla.

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." She says. "Taylor, your turn."

"Alan Rickman." She says. Chloe's eyes open wide.

"Um...Alice in Wonderland." Chloe says looking in the back.

"Really, he was in that?" Julia asks.

"The Caterpillar." She says back.

"Johnny Depp," Julia says looking at Carson.

"Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl." He says looking towards Austin.

"Orlando Bloom." This goes on for a while until Carson gets stuck.

"Who the hell is Emily Osment?" He asks throwing his hands up.

"An attractive actress," Leland says getting a slap from Layla. "Oww." He says rubbing his arm. "Ok, who wants to start?" He asks. Julia raises her hand and says me about a million times. "Ok, Julia you can go first." He says like he's talking to a first grader.

"Blake Lively," Julia says with a smile. Austin thinks a little before answering.

"The Shallows?" He says not sure of his answer.

"Oh, that's not far. No one else was in that movie." Leland says causing everyone else to laugh.

After many movies and people, it ends up being Julia and Chloe. "I'm Here," Chloe says back to Julia.

"Andrew Garfield," Julia says without even thinking.

"The Amazing Spider-Man."

"Emma Stone."

"Zombieland," Chloe says glad she just watched it.

"Jesse Eisenberg."

"Oh, he was in...what's it called?" Chloe says shaking her head.

"Oh, I think Chloe's out," Carson says in a mocking voice.

"No, I...gosh what was he in?" She says.

"10...9...8..." Leland begins.

"Fine, I'm out." She says and Julia yells.

"Told you I'd win." She says with a smile at Carson. He rolls his eyes before pulling her into him and kissing her.

"Get a room," Layla says with a smile. Carson rolls his eyes while Julia blushes. "Hey, who wants food?" She asks. Everyone shouts me and she laughs. "Taylor next exit please."

Taylor nods looking at the GPS for the nearest exit. Once she finds one she starts going off. "Ok, there's McD's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Arby's, and a Hardee's," Chloe says after reading the sign. The group in the back all start talking about what they want and why they can't eat here or there.

"Hey..hey, guys," Austin says trying to get everyone's attention. They all look towards him. "Ok, I have a spinner on my phone with all the places to eat. Let's just see what it picks." He says. Everyone nods and Taylor makes another right turn around the block. "Ok, Taco Bell's out." He says. Julia mumbles a yes making Carson glare at her.

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