Chapter Twenty-seven

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"I swear you guys are going to kill me." Leland says after Layla almost fell while walking. Layla smiles and watches as he won't let go of her arm.

"I'm back on my feet Leland. You can let go." She says and he shakes his head.

"You're gonna fall again, I know it and I'd rather be ready." He says. She shakes her head and takes his hand off of her arm. Austin and Jack are talking about something so Analyze goes off to Taylor.

"Hey." She says. Taylor looks over surprised by her sudden appearance.


"So, can you explain to me when we wanted to go hiking twice on this trip." She says already feeling tired.

"I really don't know, I just came along and went with the plans." She says with a shrug.

"Well, next time I'm making the plans to sit on a beach for two weeks. No hiking or walking far distances, nope, just gonna bathe in the sun." She says and Taylor laughs.

"I'll pass on the next one then." She says and Analyze gasps.

"What? Why?" She says with a smile.

"I would prefer not to be a lobster for the month after that." She says and Analyze starts laughing.

"True, you don't tan too well." She says and then Julia pops up alongside of Analyze.

"So what are we talking about."

"Turning Taylor into a lobster." She says and Julia looks at the two.

"You guys concern me." She says with a small shake of her head. They get talking about the scenery and then Layla walks up on the side of Taylor.

"You guys could have told me we were walking as a group, gosh." She says dramatically.

"I'm so sorry, but you just are a good fit for our group," Taylor says and Layla hits her arm jokingly.

"Ok, all of the guys are behind us as we are walking up a mountain. How much do you want to bet that not even one of them is looking around at the nature?" Analyze asks causing the other girls to laugh lightly.

"They're all staring at our ass, and we all know it," Julia says.

"Ok, when I say three we all turn around and glare at them," Layla says. The other girls nod and she puts up one finger, then two, and then three. All four of them turn around and glare. All the guy's heads look up confused.

"Wow, see told ya." Julia says shaking her head.

"What?" Carson asks.

"Each one of you was staring at our asses," Analyze says and they look at each other shaking their heads.

"No, I mean I was looking at yours, but that's it," Jack says and she puts her hands on her hips shaking her head. "It's kinda hard to miss though." He says with a challenge in his eyes. She shakes her head and goes after him.

In the end, he's carrying her on his back which causes the other girls to do the same things. "You guys needed a workout anyways," Layla says. The guys all glare at her while the girls chuckle.

"Only five more miles before we go back down." Julia pipes in. The guys groan and she laughs. Taylor looks at everyone and a smile comes to her face. She's starting to feel comfortable around them and is happy to talk around them or have their attention on her.

"Austin, I think I'm fine around them now." She says whispering in his ear.

"I told you you were getting better." He says looking at her sideways. She laughs and nods her head.

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