Chapter Nine

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"I was swimming with turtles." Layla gushes to Leland. He smiles as something so little makes her so happy.

"Yeah?" He asks and she nods enthusiastically.

"It was amazing, we also saw a shark, but Taylor said it wasn't going to harm us. She really knows her animals. She could name almost every single one." She says and Leland laughs.

"Yeah, we both loved to read books on them." He says and kisses her. "You're too cute." He says and she blushes.

"Get a room," Jack yells with a laugh. Leland rolls his eyes and flips him off, not having a care in the world.

"Hey, now. No need for that." Taylor says with a smile at him.

Leland huffs and mumbles "Sorry.", but then shakes his head. Taylor laughs and Jack just turns away from him to talk with Carson.

Taylor goes over to the bags of food and searches for something she wants. She finds a bag of Takis and grabs it. "What are those?" Chloe asks looking at the bag confused.

"Takis, they're really good." She says and holds the bag out for her. Chloe grabs one and takes a bite from it.

"They're hot." She says with a twisted face.

"Just a little," Taylor says putting one into her mouth.

"Oh, no thanks. Here." She says and hands back the Taki. Taylor laughs and eats the rest of it. "I really don't like those." She shivers and grabs a drink. Taylor laughs as she swishes water around her mouth. "Ahh." She says after swallowing. "I think I'll just have a bag of chips." She says walking around Taylor.

"Where are Julia and Carson?" Isaac asks looking around.

"Probably having sex somewhere," Jack says and Analyze hits him as everyone chuckles lightly. Within a few minutes after that, they show up. "Have fun?" Jack asks. They look at him confused a nod causing everyone to laugh.

Julia looks at Layla confused, she just shakes her head and mouths nothing. "Are any of you going to want to go when it's dark?" Isaac asks. Taylor and Leland nod right away. Julia shakes her head.

"I'm done swimming. It's cold." She says and grabs her shirt.

"I want too," Analyze says and Jack nods his head. Layla nods her head as well as Austin.

"So, Taylor, Leland, Layla, Analyze, Jack, and Austin?" He asks trying to make sure he got everyone. They nod. "Before we go I'll get you guys some special lights that don't upset the creatures and so you can see." He says beginning to dig around in some bin.

"This is going to be scary." Layla says and Taylor looks at her confused.


"Because it's dark and you can't really see." She says.

"You'll have Leland to protect you." Taylor says and she smiles.

"Yeah, my big bad defender." She says sarcastically as she watches him trying to unwrap something. They laugh at him and shake their head.

"Just don't get stuck in plastic," Taylor says quietly. Layla nods still laughing lightly.

Everyone warms up and eats again before getting ready to go back into the water. "Ok, now I'll be picking the groups. I need to make sure the that everyone will be safe." He says.

"Layla and Analyze are with me because it's your first time snorkeling in the dark, Jack and Leland you are together and welcome to come with us." He adds knowing that he has their girlfriends with him. "And Austin and Taylor, you two are both strong swimmers and I know Taylor's practically like me when it comes to the water. I trust you know what to do if stuck in a difficult situation." He says. Taylor nods her head and looks down to the ground. "Ok, then here's your lights and make sure to be very observant." He warns.

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