Chapter Eighteen

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"We're here," Austin says while yawning. The group cheers and gets out of the car. Leland grabs the wheelchair and looks at Taylor. She shakes her head and he nods just pushing it forward. Austin gets out of the car and blinks several times to try and stay awake. Jack comes up behind him and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"I think I'ma pass out walking." He says and Austin nods. The two walk behind the group tiredly.

"Hi, welcome to the Desert Botanical Garden." A lady says handing them a brochure. Everyone except Leland ignores the woman and stares at plants they've never seen. Leland hands the woman everyone's ticket and then they begin to walk in. "Remember, don't touch anything." The woman says and Carson pouts.

"But they look so cool." He says reaching for one.

"I'm not going to the hospital for a third time." Leland says grabbing his hand. Carson pouts, but has a smile back on his face within a few minutes.

"Look at that thing." He says pointing to one of the plants. It's got vines everywhere and the ones in the middle are pink.

The group ends up separating because some wanted to go one direction while the other in another direction. Jack and Austin just try to keep walking. Layla's pushing Taylor in the wheelchair because Leland wanted to go another direction. Leland, Carson, Julia, Chloe, and Analyze go left while, Layla, Taylor, Jack, and Austin go right.

Layla glances back at the two boys and tries to hold back her laugh. They look like death and keep running into each other. "I think they need some sleep." She whispers to Taylor. Taylor looks back and nods her head. "Austin," Layla yells. His head pops up towards her with wide eyes. "You alright?" She asks. He nods his head, but she doesn't believe him. "Drink this, you too Jack." She says and tosses them a water bottle. Austin tries to catch it, but it just hits him in the chest and then falls to the floor.

Jack bends down to grab it and has to use Austin's legs to keep him stable. The two girls laugh while shaking their heads. "They're gonna sleep good tonight." Taylor nods her head before looking back to the plants.


"Yumm, honey barbecue wings," Carson says and puts one into his mouth. Julia laughs and then bites one of hers.

Everyone eats talking about the plants they liked the most, well almost everyone. Jack and Austin are staring at nothing and just put food into their mouths. Leland notices the two are practically dead and looks at his glass of water. There's not much so he grabs it and splashes it at the two.

"What? What are we talking about?" Jack asks sitting straight up. Austin forces his eyes open and looks around confused. Everyone laughs and the two look at Leland with a glare.

"Just trying to wake you guys up." He says. The two stand up and go to change their clothes. Jack mumbling about how he's such a jerk.

Once they've changed everyone's done and is getting ready for bed. Austin goes to a couch not caring where he sleeps. He lays on his side leaving room for Taylor and then closes his eyes. Instantly he's asleep. Jack takes a pillow lays on the floor not even caring. Taylor smiles at the two and then has Layla help her change.

She walks over to where Austin is and carefully gets in between him and the couch. She rests her head on her arm and then feels an arm low on her hip. She opens her eyes but sees Austin's still asleep just moving around. She doesn't care to move his arm, just closes her eyes and goes to sleep.


Taylor wakes up to shuffling around her. She opens her eyes and sees her brother looking through his bag. "What are you doing?" She asks noticing that the sun is barely up.

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