Chapter Thirty

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"Yes, there has been a huge accident. Please hurry." Analyze says into her phone feeling hot tears run down her face.

"Are you alright?" Jack asks getting out of there tipped car. Analyze saw the accident coming and tried to slow down, but the semi swung out and hit the front of the truck causing it to flip over once.

"I'm fine." She says waving him away staring at the semi. "It's on to of them." She cries into her phone as the help person tries to calm her down. "The semi is on top of them." She shouts and crumbles to the ground. Jack catches her and grabs the phone.

"We need help, now. It's a semi on top of a van, and another truck in a ditch." Jack says and then lets the phone fall to the ground. "Shh, help is coming. We can't do anything." He says holding her close to him.

"I...I should have stopped it." She says crying into him.

"You couldn't have. This isn't our fault. That truck shouldn't have been speeding up the ramp and the semi should have stayed in his lane." He says staring at the collision. He looks to the ditch and hears yells. "Analyze, stay here." He says letting her go. He runs down into the ditch and sees a ton of teenagers in the truck.

"Help, please." A man says half through his windshield and half in the car. He looks around the truck and sees three on the ground.

"Help is on the way, just don't move." He says and walks around the car to the other side. The passenger still has his seatbelt on. Jack checks his pulse and feels the beat. He then begins checking the people on the ground.

"I didn't mean to. They all wanted to go faster....and we...we're all drunk. Maddy said to slow down, but...but I didn't. Maddy ok?" He asks. Jack looks over at him.

"Which one is Maddy?" He asks.

"Blue top, next to Mason, redshirt." He cries with tears running down his face. Jack walks over to the two. He finds a pulse on Mason, but it's really slow. He checks Maddy's but doesn't find one. He looks up and the guys shakes his head not sure what he should do. She has blood all over her, and most of it's coming from her head. 

"No, no, I didn't mean it." He says and then blood begins to run down the windshield.

"Man, you need to stop moving. Ok?" He says wanting to vomit as the smell of blood reaches his nose.

"Were..were you in the crash?" The guy asks.

"The semi lightly hit the front of our car, but other than that no, but that van under the semi. Six of my friends are in that car." He says and the guy stares up at him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been driving. They're all dead because of me." He says and begins to start crying.

"Hey, don't you say they're all dead. You don't know that, and people can be helped. Don't break down now." He says and then sees Analyze by the van and semi.

"Analyze, stay away from the crash." He says running towards her.

"Julia, Julia." She calls seeing her friend through the crushed window. Jack wraps his arms around her and pulls her away. "No, no." She screams trying to push against him.

"This could all go up in flames, we can't be by it." He says holding her close to him. He then hears the sirens. "We need to get out of the way so they can help Julia and everyone else." He says. She stops fighting him and lets him pull her to the grass.

They watch as the fire trucks, ambulances, and cop cars come speeding up to the scene. They watch as everyone runs to either the crash or the car in the ditch. A paramedic comes up to them. "No, no help our friends," Jack says pointing to the crash.

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