Chapter Sixteen

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Austin wakes up to Leland rummaging around. He looks up at him confused. "What are you looking for?" He asks. Leland looks up at him with a smile.

"I got a blow horn for everyone." He says and Austin shakes his head.

"Oh, this is going to be a fun day." He grumbles looking over at Taylor. She's right at his side and his arm is stuck under her preventing him from getting up.

"Crap, wake Taylor up. I don't need her jumping awake and hurting herself more." He says finding the horn. Austin lightly shakes her shoulder, but she doesn't move.

"Taylor if you don't wake up, you're going to get a rude awaking." He says, but no reaction. "What is see deff when she sleeps?" He asks looking over at Leland.

"Kinda." He says. Austin turns back and begins to pull his arm away from her. This causes her to stir.

"Taylor, you might wanna get up." Austin says and this time she blinks her eyes open.

"Whyy?" But she gets her answer when Leland pulls the horn. She jumps slightly and looks towards the noise.

"What the f*ck?" Many people say as they wake up. Leland starts laughing at everyone comes out to see what the noise was.

Layla grabs a shoe and throws it at him before going back to her bed. He laughs and then Julia and Chloe both toss items at him. "Ohh, come on, that was funny." He says and looks over at Jack and Analyze. Jack just shakes his head and Analyze looks like she's ready to kill. He looks over at Carson and he's already got a blanket over his head. "Guess we do need to get up." He says and they groan or mumble things. He looks over at Taylor and Austin.

"If I ever wake up to that noise I will tackle you and kill you." She says and yawns.

"It was funny and I didn't have to go and wake everyone up." He says and she shakes her head. She sits up and grabs her clothes before walking silently to the bathroom. "Can you help me get everyone up?" He asks looking at Austin. Austin nods his head and walks over to Jack.

"You try that again and you'll be sorry." Layla says as she sits down next to Leland to eat her breakfast.

"How will I be sorry?" He asks with a smirk. She looks over at him with a raised eyebrow.

Taylor watches along with everyone else as she leans towards him and whispers something to him. He looks at her wide eyed and shakes his head. He stops smirking and Layla smiles at everyone. "Let's eat." She says and the group smiles before digging in.


"Ok, we're going canoeing. Raise your hand if you've been canoeing." He says. Austin, Chloe, and Jack raise their hands. "Ok, Austin and Chloe you're with Taylor." He says and everyone else looks at him confused. "She can't paddle or end up in the water. The most experienced should be in the canoe with her." He says and they nod.

The group drives in just the van again to get to the place. Once they get there they have to go through a little 20 minute talk about how to canoe and what to do when certain things happen. "And I'll be in a canoe myself just incase something happens, but I can stay back if you'd like." They're instructor says.

"It's fine, we like meeting new people." Leland says. The guy nods his head and has them follow him out to get ready. "Ok, life jackets are over there and then we'll head down by the water." He says and begins walking.

"Layla." Taylor says ushering her over. "How the hell am I going to have something tight on without killing me?" She asks and Layla's eyes open wide.

"Just grab it and put it over your shoulders. You don't need to buckle it up." She says. Taylor nods her head and grabs one. Layla helps her get it on and then they start walking down.

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