Awesome Alert

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Hey all y'all? Everybody cool?

Good. Okay so listen, since I have a fair amount of followers and some fans on Wattpad, I really want you guys to check out this new poem book.

As soon as I read the first poem I immediately thought 'Awesome Alert!'

The book's name is “Second Guess” By WriterIAmNot.(My soul sista💕)

She's really really awesome. And you can trust lil' ol' DD on that. So anyway, I'm hoping I could get her a few more readers and followers.

She didn't ask but I really wanna do this for her. She's so awesome that I just can't help but try to help her in anyway I can on Wattpad.

I'd really appreciate it if you could do this for me...for her.. I hope that's in order with you guys.

Btw, I won't be post in for a while since it's final examinations here in SA. So it's game time y'all. Thanks for understanding. Luv you guys



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