73. Copycat

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Inspired By Billie Eilish. She's amazing right now. Her songs describe my life.

P.S. The words in bold are the original lyrics from her song and the ones in normal italics are my original poetry.. Oh and I might have tweaked the flow of the lyrics, if you know the song by heart like me, you'd understand.


Copycat trying to cop my
manner. Copycat trying
to cop my glamour. You
wish you could copy all
of this but every time you
try, you just mutter
and stammer.

Call me calloused. Call
me cold. You're nothing
in my eyes, just a sad sack
copycat trying to sell
what's already been sold.

You're italic but I'm in
BOLD. Have you ever
tried being original? It
never gets old.

Call me cocky. Girl, you
better watch your tone.
You better love me, cause
you're just a clone. You've
tried coping my personality
and even trying to write
bomb ass poems.

But the truth is, you're a just
a copycat with no originality.
For the last fucking time, go find your own personality. Girl, you
had better get yourself some
damn individuality.

Be your own you. Don't what
I do. Just be your own you. But
then again copycats never
change and neither do you.

Don't be cautious. Don't
be kind. You committed,
I'm your crime. You're
mistake was trying to copy
the darkness that is my shine.

Perfect murder. Take
your aim. I don't belong
to anyone but everybody
knows my name. You think
you can copy all of this?
Bitch, you must be insane.




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