Holy Shiz

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Well damn. What the actual heck. I am soooooo unbelievably sorry for not the updating this book. I have definitely NOT discontinuing this book.

Apparently, I was too busy sketching cartoons of kitten cats, studying, reading, fangirling over the out if this world perfection that is BTS and having Harry Potter marathons.

Tell me, is weird that I have a tiny teensy weensy crush on Draco? Like my brother and I were watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and he teased about Draco being my man. And the thing is, I didn't even protest and I'm not exactly against it... Umm..

Anyway... So just a quick update, my life is at a stand still since my grandmother has passed away. I'm okay. Well under the circumstances in any case. It's...actually not that bad. More of my family is around, even though they never bring food.😒

Like you came to my house. Be a good house guest and bring somethin' with ya. Gosh glob it. These cheap ass bastards... I've literally blasting Evanescence through my earphones in a corner during family meetings.

Well. I guess I'm fine. It hasn't really set in yet. But in any case, this book is nearly finished, don't worry. I could never give up on you guys. And more importantly, I could never give up on myself.

Love you guys. Thanks for all for love and support.



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