62. After Happily Ever After

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Warning: Cover your eyes fellow Disney fans!


What really happens after they live “happily ever after”?

I never understood all those beautiful stories with happy endings. Because in the back of my mind I knew they were all just pretending.

Snow White probably has trust issues and the Prince most likely got sick of it. Aurora gave her a shoulder to cry on and thought he was a prick.

Even though she cheating on Prince Phillip, dying her hair black and going emo. They're all probably lying, maybe they never even found Nemo.

Aladdin could be a closet pervert that's into BDSM. Turning Jasmine into a cyber freak, always online looking for “friend”.

What really happens after they live “happily ever after”?

I never understood all those beautiful stories with happy endings. Because in the back of my mind I knew they were all just pretending.

Maybe Rapunzel never got to see the outside world again. Maybe Anna did die, maybe so did Sven.

The world is cold, wicked & cruel. We should all know that, so I'll just burst your bubble, that cool?

What really happens after they live “happily ever after”?

I never understood all those beautiful stories with happy endings. Because in the back of my mind I knew they were all just pretending.

Jack Frost probably never met Elsa and walked the Earth alone.
Maybe Arthur couldn't pull out the sword in the stone.

Unfortunately, the world isn't filled with adorable elephants who can fly with their big ears or forever lasting sunshine and

Nothing lasts forever, so what really happens after they all
lived “happily ever after”?


I have some serious issues, man...



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