60. His Destruction

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She was different, she
always was. Always so
isolated, mean but she
just had a way of making
him pause.

They said she was rotten,
rotten to the core. But she
was more than that, so
much more.

She broke his heart and
ripped it apart. 'How could
she?' He asked himself even
though he always knew he
should have listened to head
and not his heart.

Maybe it was his soft side
that drove her away? No.
It was all the awful things
he always had to say.

She couldn't take it ,
anymore so she left.
He knew exactly
why, because he was
nothing but a pest.

Oh if only she knew
about his concoction.

Oh if only she knew
that she was his utter


Inspired by the poetry book Destruction by Poodle_Jones



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