85. The Dirtiest Mind But The Purest Heart.

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Thank mom for this one. We were talking about my birthday coming up and she asked me if I frenched a guy or anything and I was like... Dafuq? And the title just came out and this poem was born.


Mind as dark as her flesh,
dirty thoughts swirling in
that head of hers but then
again, who else could
voice them with such

These thoughts were
not meant for this world
and should be hidden.
But who could ever
resist the secrets
of the forbidden?

Heart as pure as snow.
But could that all be
for show?

Two traits clash together
and fight over their
master. And that
resulted in the dirtiest
mind and purest heart
called a disaster.


Confusing I know. But I do really like this one. 😘



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