70. Run

3 2 10

Run. Run. Run and don't stop.
Or else he'll come for me, close
the door and I'll hear the sound
of the lock.

My toes twitch as I try my best
to stay calm in front the of beast. The time will come and
I'll be free, I hope at least.

He's coming. Run or he'll come
and take me away. But oddly
enough I feel like I want to stay.

In this world of regrets. At
least I won't have to deal with
this monstrosity of a pest.

I freeze up as I feel his cold
harsh gaze staring at me. I
couldn't run fast enough, but
I have to...please.

No. He's caught me, in the
vice like grip that is his
maniacal chuckle. I try to
run but my pride trips me
like that of a shoe's buckle.

I close my eyes and accept
my agonizing fate. I tried
to run but I guess it was
too late.

I tried to run. Although to
everyone else it might stun.
But I tried to run. I tried to


Woah. That was intense.



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