84. The Lion and the Lamb

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Anyone get this reference??😋


The lion, so daring, so bold.
A nice person, but he is
most definitely not
afraid to be ice cold.

Then there was the lamb, so beautiful, with fleece as
white as the snow. Her
gentle smile and personality
give her a heavenly glow.

Who would have thought
that two creatures of total
opposite worlds could ever
be brought together by
choice. With that the lion
being so rough and rugget
and the lamb filled with
grace and poise.

The lion stares at the
creature of pure innocence
with vengeful eyes. But
suddenly to his surprise...

The lamb stares right back
at him, a look of wonder
and curiosity. Could they
really be so different yet the
same?... Possibly.

The lion falls for the lamb.
And lamb for the lion. So
much so that being apart,
they could not stand. Too
much time apart, and there
would be crying...

This is the story of the
Lion and the Lamb.




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