41. Snuggles and Cuddles

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Dedicated to my boys out there💙


The more we cuddle the
less I want to leave. Myself
I always feel the need to unsheathe...😏😏

All of my sanity flies right out
of the door. Cause when we cuddle it makes my heart

Oh how I wish I could
snuggle to our hearts
content. And that idea
would be god sent.

Baby you make me go
insane as we roll around
in the white linen. And yet
I don't ever wanna stop,
cause to me that would
be a sin.

Girl, you make me go coo-coo,
my little boo boo...


This is one of my favorites. It's so cliché yet so cute! Give some credit to @Poodle_Jones, she gave me an small idea for it. Shout out to my main hoe!! ❤💙❤



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