Umm ... Yeah

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Hey guys, so the next few poems are going to be... Umm... a tad..  personal. Some of them are a little cringey too. I've been depressed but not so much so that I'd do something irresponsible or anything. I'm just emotionally tired that's all.

The bottom of my eye lids ache. Literally. I can't even blink without cringing with discomfort... I'm kinda worried about that but whatever.

I just thought you'd want a heads up, you know? My life is not all peaches and cream, but then again nothing in life is..

Except you know, the actual peaches and cream😅

Great. Now I'm hungry. Sooo where was I? Oh yeah.

So the next ones I'm really shy about but I hope you like them. Well, I think that's about it. Thanks guys.

Oh did I mention I changed my cats names?

My white kitten's full name will now and forever be known as Snow White Suga The Second.

And brother's kitten's full name is now Mufasa Rap Monster The First

Yep. I'm that obsessed guys. I told my mom yesterday and she just looked at me like I was stupid.😁

I told her that we should have them registered as legitimate cats of this household and that'll be their actual names.

Like legit I make BTS puns and jokes every chance I get and she actually gets them now. Like just this morning I told her to make some coffee and she asked me how I wanted it, to which I replied “Extra Suga please...😏”

She rolled her eyes and said I was gonna die alone. I laughed it off but I can help but feel as if she was serious...

Anyway. I'm done now.



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