61. Those Green Eyes

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I know he's hiding something
behind those deep dark
eyes. Why won't he tell me,
why must he always lie?

Those eyes, deep green like
the never ending forests of
Africa. And they're so icy
cold like Antarctica.

He won't let me in or tell me
what's wrong. But I know he
won't last for very long.

Because I know he's hurting.
He knows I know it, which
explains all the cursing.

I cup my hands around his
face as those green eyes met
met mine. ‘I'm here for you,
please just let me in this time...’

And just like that, he knows that
he no longer has to lie. As tears
run down from those green


I wonder if you guys can guess who this poem is about. If you do, you get a virtual hug.

I'll give you a hint: DC COMICS ON FLEEK.



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