chapter 6

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Louis' pov

we arrived at the hotel and we got to my hotel room well penthouse. I got the keys out and then heard a crash and Lucy looked Horrified. 

"sorry thats the boys anyway do you have any clothes" i say

"yeah I have some thanks Louis" she says and hugs me and we walk in to see a lamp on the floor

"ok first before you say anything Louis it wasn't me for a change it was Harry and also who is this" Niall says 

"ok thanks Niall and this is my twin Lucy. The one that has been missing for 4 years and I have only just found her." i say and hug her 

"hi I'm Niall" he says to her and she smiles and shakes his hand

"hi Niall" she says 

"I'm harry" Harry says and she shakes his hand 

"hi harry" she says 

"I'm zayn" zayn says and she shakes his hand

"hi zayn" she says 

"and finally I'm Liam" Liam says and she shakes his hand

"hi Liam and it is all really nice to meet you" she says

we got to know each other well I knew Lucy so I didn't have to do much but learn about the last 4 years. I learned she was beaten and raped and everything and it shouldn't of happened to her. My sister, My TWIN sister. She turned to me and smiled and hugged me

"thanks for finding me" she says and I smile and hug her back

"its no problem love" i say 

"Louis can I use the shower I stink" she says 

"sure thing Love and also we are getting a meal down your throat as well" i say and take her to the bathroom. she takes off her sweatshirt and shows scars on her arms

"Lucy what is that" i say

"Louis I'm sorry you had to find this way but It was the only way of expressig my fellings apart from through drawing but I couldn't. I don't do it anymore" she says and starts to cry and I run in and hug her and shut the bathroom door

"Lucy I'm not mad darling shhh. I'm here now and if you ever need me I am with you always. I love you. Your my twin. and for the record I did self harming as well" i say and take my sweatshirt off and show my scars

"is it because of me" she says and I nod and she hugs me. 

"I'm fine now love though don't worry. anyway you better have a shower so I'll leave you just remember to use any towel and lock the door" i say and she nods and I walk out and hear a lock and the shower run

half an hour later she comes out in her pj's and she smiles at me. 

"so where will I sleep" she says 

"thats the thing you can sleep with me if you want" i say

"sure I want to cuddle with my bro" she says 

"well I want to cuddle with you" i say

"thats fine because I love you and missed you and you hugs" she says and hugs me again and we go to bed and I cuddle her. NOT IN THAT WAY. God and we fall asleep soon after. She mumbeles something like. 

"I missed you Louis, I love you bro."

I'll ask her tomorrow and then we go home so not a bad thing. I can't wait to see everyone's face when they see Lucy

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