chapter 22

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Lucy's pov

I saw Harry walk out of the party so I decided to follow

"Louis I'm going to see if Harry is alright" i say

"ok then but let me come with you" he says and I nod and we walk outside

"HARRY" I shout and when I walk round the corner there's something I didn't expect to see, Harry was snogging another girl from the party and had her against the wall and was holding her ass

"oh my god" i say with tears in my eyes, he turns round and see's me

"Lucy its not what it looks like" he says 

"Lucy whats wrong" Louis says and see's Harry and the girl

"oh shit what have you done to my sister" he says and gets Harry by the collar and I leg it

"Lucy" I hear harry shout and I hear him run after me

"Lucy please stop I'm sorry ok I didn't mean to she means nothing to me" he says 

"well Harry you have broke my heart and I should've listened to Louis in the first place and all I can say is we are through so fucking leave me alone." i say and run to the house


I get home and run to my room and collapse on my bed and cry and cry until I fall asleep

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