chapter 47

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Lucy's pov

so today is suppose to be the day Monty is to be born but we don't know yet. I got up and made breakfest and the boys were coming over today because nothing might happen. Me and Harry are extra nervous now, if Monty comes today it would be great but if he doesn't something could go wrong. anyway its just turned noon and the boys are here. They are all watching the football and I was making tea for everyone and brought it to the living room and then went back for my tea. Thats when the girls arrived. 

me and the girls went in to the dining room and talked in there but we could hear the boys screaming at the TV well mainly Louis because he plays a lot of it. I went out to make us some more tea and while the kettle was boiling I felt a pain shoot through my stomach

"AHHHHHH" i scream and Harry runs in

"babe whats up" he says 

"HARRY SHUT UP ITS TIME" i scream and his face was in horror

"wait here ok I need to go get the bags" he says 

the boys all stood around me 

"alright Emily what ever you do don't give birth yet wait to you get to the hospital" zayn says

"SHUT UP ZAYN WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M TRYING TO DO" i shout and Harry comes down and picks me up

he gets in the car with me and Liam drives. me head was on Harry's lap and i was in so much pain and was crying

"its alright baby you're fine just breath" he says 

"Harry your not the one going to push a baby out of your vagina are you, No so shut up" i say

we get to the hospital and Harry runs in shouting


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