chapter 48

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Lucy's pov

I was sitting on the bed in the room and i keep on getting contractions and let me tell you they were painful. I have been sitting here for an hour now and then Dr Doolittle comes in. 

"well Lucy your dilated enough and your ready to give birth so when your next contraction comes I want you to push ok you can breath into this and it will reduce the pain" she says goving me a breathing tube

"alright Lu I'm here are you ready" Harry says and I nod and he kisses my head and hods my hand and then says

"if it hurts squeeze my hand" he says 

my contraction comes and I push and squeeze his hand

after about 3 pushes dr Doolittle says 

"alright Lucy the head is out you just need to push two more times and then the baby is out come on you can do it" she says 

after two more contractions and Loads of pushing Baby Monty was in the world I honestly think I broke Harry's hand

"well done babe" he says walking over to the nurse table and cutting the cord and then bringing a little bundle to me in blankets

"here's Monty steven Styles" he says and hands me my beautiful baby boy

she looked so adorable and while I was holding her I asked Harry

"babe is your hand ok" i say

"yeah its fine do you wanna see the boys" he says and I nod and he walks out to the boys and girls and they all come in

"hey Lucy" Liam says 

"hey guys" i say 

"is this Monty styles" Louis says

"yes this is her Harry would you like to hold him" i say and he nods and sits in the chair with our baby boy

"can I hold him in a minute" Louis says

"of course and then El you can hold him" i say

they all get a turn of holding himand then left soon after and I went to sleep and Harry puts Monty in hiscott. He sleeps in the chair next to me but I open my eyes and call him

"Harry come lay on the bed with me" i say and he opens his eyes and gets in and I cuddle next to him

so everything turned out fine in the end I have Harry my handsome husband, Monty our baby boy and the boys and girls nothing could be better

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