chapter 28

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Lucy's pov

I walked downstairs after I had my chat with boobear

"Harry we need to talk" i say and sit down next to him

"whats up" he says 

"lets start fresh as long as you know you have done wrong and you have learned from your mistakes then I'm fine and I asked Liam and Louis and they approve so if you take me back then I'll give us another try but you must promise not to drink too much and never pull anything like that again" i say

"of course" he says and hugs me and kisses me as well

"do I see hugging and making up" Louis says and I pull away

"Louis fuck off" i say and he walks away and I laugh

"oh come on boo I'm joking" i say and he comes back in

"so are you gonna tell me why you don't drink" he says 

"because when Louis found me and I went missing 4 years ago that was the reason I got kidnapped and also I am claustrophobic so I don't like parties very much" i say

"oh well I'll keep that in mind ok" he says and hugs me and Louis gags

"go fuck Eleanor" i say and he looks shocked and I laugh

"Lucy Marie Tomlinson shut up" he says 

"Louis William Tomlinson never do that again then" i say

"fine then I'm sorry" he says

"fine I'm sorry too" i say and we hug

I could get used to living with my brother and boyfriend again oh well we are all having a new start and that's what we need

the escaper - harry styles love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon