chapter 31

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Lucy's pov

so today me and Lou go up to doncaster for christmas. It christmas today but we said that all the boys could come round ours for breakfest which I was making my famous pancakes and then we would open our presents and then me and Lou would get ready and drive to Doncaster and be with our family while the rest of the boys do the same. Then we would come back to London on boxing day.

its 9am so I got up and went downstairs and started making my famous pancakes. I used to make these all the time and Louis was the world worst for them. Now I have Harry on them to and he loves them. I heard 2 sets of feet leg it downstairs and at the bottom was a pile of harry and Louis.

"you alright there boys" i say

"yeah we're fine nothing to do with your famous pancakes we love that fill the house. Anyway Merry christmas" Louis says 

"Merry Christmas Lou" i say

"Merry christmas baby" Harry says and kisses my cheek

its just turned 10am and everyone turns up and we have pancakes and everyone falls in love with them and everyone shares their presents. I got a new phone from Louis, Eleanor got me a personalised phone case, Liam got me a cupcake necklace, zayn got me lip balm kit, Niall got me friendship braclet and harry got me a locket with a picture of us and the quote 'i love you forever and always, to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond. its so cute.

everyone left and me and Lou went to get ready and when we came down we each had a bag each and then I said bye to harry and we left

3 hours later

after 3 hours we have arrived, it wasn't that bad, we talked and time passed quickly. we went to the house and mum answers

"hi mum" i say

"hello sweetheart and hi boobear" she says and gives us each a hug and we bring the presents in

everyone open their presents and mum got me vouchers and the girls gave me makeup and my favourite perfume. Christmas could not be better

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