chapter 39

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Harry's pov

so today we were going cake tasting. Best thing ever when planning a wedding. Just saying. of course the wedding itself is the most magical thing ever. 

I got dressed and had a shower and then went and made breakfast for me and Lucy. She hadn't woken up yet but when I looked at her she looked really pale. I phoned Louis and asked him and he said it's just a cold and just to leave her to it because she never liked the attention when she was ill and always got on with it. 

she woke up and came downstairs fully dressed and came and gave me a hug. 

"excuse me no kiss" i say

"sorry harry I'm ill" she says 

"I thought it might be that I phoned Louis he said it was a cold and said just to leave you to it because you never liked the attention when you were sick" i say

"well he's right I never liked the attention but Louis he was the complete oppersite. When ever he was ill he would moan and never shut up. Mum would be shocked when he got ill because we never got ill but luckily she knew what to do and he was made to stay up in bed all day and he hated it. Where as I got on with it. He learned so after" she says and we eat breakfest

we got to the cake shop and the manager greated up and he came out with 3 of the best cakes ever. One was chocolate, one was vanilla with oreos on top and then the last was red velvet. we tried each one and I was content on vanilla oreo and chocolate.

"which one then babe" i say

"vanilla oreo deffinantly and chocolate" she says 

"I was thinking that too" i say

"cool lets get those two" she says and the manager comes back and we tell him and he agrees and says it will be there on the day. I can't believe its only a couple of weeks and then we will be married. 

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