chapter 18

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Harry's pov

so its our 1 month anniversary. god time went fast, it does't even feel like we have been dating a week but look where we are now. I decided I would take Lucy on a date tonight to celebrate and Louis suggested about cooking for her. her favourite dish to be precis. He said her favourite meal was spagetti and meatballs and then vanilla cheese cake with strawberries and chocolate sauce.

I got up and Louis was up also

"morning mate" he says 

"hi could you get Lucy out the house until 6pm tonight I'm making her favourite meal and dessert for her anniversary but also I got her flowers and chocolates" i say

"yeah sure can, did you do the hundred roses thing with the fake rose" he says 

"yeah sure did" i say

"good job I did that with Hannah and I'm not with her so yeah" he says 

"Lol anyway want another tea" i say

"sure thanks" he says 


soon after I had made tea for me and Louis. Lucy came down and gave me a kiss and I gave her my presents. she gave me mine. Louis told her they were going out for the day and him and her went to go get dressed. They went out and Louis gave me the thumbs up and walked out. 


its just turned six and I lit all the candles and Louis and lucy will be back any minute. I dished up and they came through the door and louis led her to the kitchen and I stood there

"Harry what is all this" she says

"Happy aniversary babe" i say and she smiles and Lous goes upstairs and I pull out a chair and we eat. 


we finish desert and then we watch a couple of films and she falls asleep so I take her to her room. when I come out Louis stands there

"so how did it go" he says

"amazing thanks for the idea" i say

"no probelm as long as loved it thats what matters" he says and says night to me and goes in his room

god how did I get so lucky

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