chapter 7

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Lucy's pov

I got up this morning and then realised we were leaving america. I was going back home. I recieved my wishes. Maybe god is real, he listened to me when I needed him most. I am not religious I just thought god never existed but now he got me away from that man, I am happy and I am seeing my family so bad turns to good eventually.

Louis woke up and started packing well I packed he chucked me things

"why didn't you pack before" i say

"because I didn't and I couldn't be assed" he says 

"don't use that language" i say

"haha yeah right" he says 

"I'm older I'll tell mum" I say

"by like 5 minutes" he says 

"so" i say

"so?" he says and we end up glaring at each other and then laughing and carrying on packing

we got on the plane and it took off. I was sat next to Louis and we had like a screen protector thing which wasn't too bad. we sat down and I began nervous, what if my family don't recongize me. wait they will because I'm Louis' twin and they haven't seen me for 4 years and I possibly look different.  But then again Louis found me and knew who I was so should be fine. 

we landed and we all departed off the aircraft and then went to get Louis' and my bags and then went to find mum. I saw a women with Brown hair and Blue eyes and 4 other girls around her and Louis smiled.

"Mum" he says and she turns and smiles at him and then begin to cries at the sight of me

"hello mum" i say and she hugs me and so do my sisters

"I missed you darling oh my god it's you Lucy" she says and I nod

"I know mum I missed you too" i say and I hug my sisters

later that night me and the girls were having a girls night and painting our nails and stuff until mum came in

"right girls time for bed you have school tomorrow" mum says and the girls leave and say night to me and go say night to their big brother

"well I'm glad your back darling" she says 

"me to mum" i say and hug her and she hugs me back

"you better go to sleep to darling or you can go into Louis room and watch a film but I'm going to bed so night" she says and kisses my forehead and goes out

'Louis come to my room mum said we can watch films' i text

'coming now'

i hear a knock on the door and Louis comes in and we watch the film just like good old times just me and Louis

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