chapter 37

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Lucy's pov

so we decided today that we would start planning for our wedding. We wanted a small wedding with friends and family. Nothing to big. I got up made breakfast for us both and then started planning. Right now we have picked, bridesmaids which i chose Dani, Lottie, fizzy and Gemma and also Perrie. My maid of honour was Eleanor. Harry picked the boys to be his grooms men but Louis was his best man. My flower girl's were Phoebe and Daisy. 

"right so flowers" i say

"I think roses and they are your favourite" Harry says 

"ok red and white roses" i say

"invitations are going to be hard" i say

"yeah who do we invite" he says 

"well obviously your family like your mum,step-dad and Gemma. My family, so Mum and mark and the girls, Dad and his wife and georgia. Louis and El and the boys, Dani, Perrie, Jesy and her Boyfriend, Jade and her boyfriend and Leigh-ann and her boyfriend" i say

"and anyone else we think of we can put on the list, we need uncle simon on there" He says and I do that

Planning is harder than anyone ever thought. We agreed that Louis and El could come round tonight and we would tell them, that they were maid of honour and best man. 

that night came and I was cooking and Louis and El came round, we dished up and then we ate and had a nice chat about what we had been doing and about the planning. We sat them in the living room and it was time

"Guys we have something to tell you" i say

"oh my god your pregnant" El says 

"No not that I know of and I sure my brother wouldn't be to happy just yet" i say and smile at my brother and he smiles back

"anyway what we wanted to tell you was that Louis your going to be my best man" harry says and he looks shocked

"really" he says and harry nods and comes and hugs him

"thank you" he says and I go to el

"and you are my maid of honour" i say and she smiles and hugs me tight

we discuss that dresses would be next in the plan and we will go at the weekend. I cannot wait to get married

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