chapter 17

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Lucy's pov

Louis was sitting on the sofa just watching tv and when he heard the door he looked over

"have a good night with El" he says 

"ah Louis I wasn't with El" i say

"then who were you with" he says 

"me" Harry says 

"why were you with Harry" he says 

"because he asked me on a date and I said yes even if you say no and we had a good time until we got busted by zayn and perrie and they told us to tell you but another thing we are together and if you don't like it then tough. TOUGH FUCKING SHIT. You always think you are so much better than me in everything but then again I'm the one who got the good grades I went to college I have degree in photography so yeah. Even when I was crying on the sofa with mum you can in and told her something so awsome or sad and she went running to you. so fuck you Louis" i say and run upstairs

I slammed the door and then I heard shouting from Louis and Harry and then I heard foot steps come upstairs

"babe its me can I come in" harry says and I let him in and he runs in and hugs me and I break into tears

"I've never had a fight that bad with him" i say

"shh its fine let him cool off" he says and rocks us slowly. we got interupted by someone knocking

"Lucy can I come in I need to talk to you" Louis says his voice cracking

"sure Louis" i say and he comes in and Harry leaves

"I'm sorry" he says 

"so am I" i say

"you haven't got anything to be sorry for I should of let you do what you both wanted and I created rules for the boys about not dating you and I'm sorry I wanted to protect you. But I'm happy for you and I'm glad you stood up to me but why didn't you tell me about the mum thing before" he says 

"first off I know you created rules and I am mad at you for that but its fine now I forgive you and I understand you wanting to protect me. But I didn't tell you what mum always did because you were clearly her favourite and I just didn't want to say anything because we would of had an argument" i say

"well its over now and I'm sorry again so will you forgive me" he says 

"I will forgive you if you forgive me because I went behind you back" i say

"sure I will" he says and we hug

"aww do I see hugging" harry speaks and I laugh

"yes you do now come here" i say and he sits on the bed

"Louis here says he is happy for us and is allowing us to date" i say

"thats fantastic" he says and Louis goes and leaves us but shouts

"USE PROTECTION" and I laugh and harry kisses me. 

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