chapter 38

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Lucy's pov

so today me and the girls were all going dress shopping. Once I told mum she said her and the girls would be down to come and see me and Louis but to help with the wedding. Mum was really excited that her first daughter was getting married. Everyone was coming to mine and Harry's place and then we would set off.

its just turned 10am and everyone was at the door and we let them in. Harry came down and went out because he and the guys were going suit fittings. he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then left and then me and everyone left for dress fitting.

we arrived at the dress shop and El stopped everyone

"ok listen everyone we can to split into groups. Me and Lucy are looking for wedding dresses as well as jay. Then everyone else look for brides maids dresses and flower girl dresses." she says and I smile and we set off

1 hour later

everyone had found the perfect brides maid dresses its just my dress

"don't worry sweetheart you'll find the perfect dress" mum says

"how do you mum I mean I haven't seen a single dress in this whole shop what makes you think I'm gonna get a dress now" i say and she pulls me into a hug

"I was the same when I married your dad and then we had you and Louis our beautful twins" she says 

"thanks mum" i say and hug her

2 hours later 

we are still in the shop and everyone went to get something to eat and then came back and the lady behind the counter came up to me

"I guess you haven't found the perfect dress" she says

"your right" i say

"well I have a dress in the back and no-one has ever seen it because its special and only special people get to see it and I think your one of them" she says 

"oh right" i say

"would you like to have a look and try it on" she says and I nod and she shows me the most beautiful dress and I go try it on

"sweetheart you ready" mum says 

"yes mum wait till you see this dress" i say and come out and everyone gasps

"its the one" i say

"after everything I told you, you would find that dress" she says and I laugh and pose

I got out the dress and paid for the dresses and they said that they should be done in a couple of days and we can pick them up. I am so excited now I got my perfect dress

Lucy's dress on the side

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