chapter 49

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Harry's pov

so today we bring Monty home, we had everything set up and the boys said they were making a welcome home Monty Banner and we could celebrate. But then what will happen when Lucy needs to breast feed. Anyway I'm holding Monty at the moment waiting for Lucy to come out of the bathroom. 

"hey baby boy" i say and he smiles

"yes I'm your daddy" i say and he laughs 

thats when Lucy comes out

"you alright babe" i say

"yeah never better anyway lets get home" she says 

I place monty in his car seat come baby carrier and sit him in the back and Lucy sits next to him

"babe what will happen if the boys come over and Monty needs feeding" i say

"well I'll go upstairs into his room" she says 

"thats fine" I say

when we get home and I unlock the door the house is in darkness and we turn on the light in the living room and everyone yells surprise. Everyone holds Monty and gives us presents for him and Then when he gets to me he starts to cry. I walk into the kitchen with him and Lucy gives me a puzzled look. 

"whats wrong baby boy" she says 

"I think she might want feeding" i say

"oh dear well lets go see shall we" she says and I hand her chloe and then she says 

"can you finish the tea off please" she says and walks upstairs and I nod

after 10 minutesLucy comes down with no Monty

"where's Monty babe" i say

"he is asleep upstairs now he wanted feeding and changing" she says giving me a kiss

"stop with the PDA we don't want any other babies yet you have only just had one" Niall says

"we are just kissing" i retort

"yeah whatever" he says and we hear the baby monitor go and Monty starts to cry

"well done Niall" i say and walk upstairs and walk into Monty's room

"shhhhh baby boy" i say and sit in the arm chair with him in my arms

he carries on crying and Lucy comes up and I hand him to Lucy and she slowly rocks him to sleep and sings to him and he falls asleep and Emily places him in the cott

"how did you do that" i say

"simple hold his head close to you so he can hear you heart beat and then rock him softly and sing to him" she says 

we walk downstairs and all the boys leave and we clean up and Monty starts crying again. I walk into his room and check his nappy and it stunk so I change him and bring him downstairs and we finish cleaning up. I think we were a really good family and it brought us closer together

the escaper - harry styles love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ